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Black Mesa
Black Mesa
Hayal gücüyle geliştirilmiş bu fan yapımı olan Half-Life'ı yeniden yaşayın.
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    Black Mesa is the fan-made re-imagining of Valve Software’s Half-Life.

    You are Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility. When a routine experiment goes horribly wrong, you must fight your way through an interdimensional alien invasion, and a bloodthirsty military clean-up crew in order to save the science team... and the world!
    • Nineteen chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions
    • Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine
    • Face off against an army of classic enemies, updated with new features and engaging AI
    • Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments
    • The all-new soundtrack and voice acting create a more immersive experience than ever before

    Frag your friends across ten iconic maps from the Half-Life universe, including:
    • Bounce
    • Gasworks
    • Stalkyard
    • Undertow
    • Crossfire

    Create your own mods, models, and maps with the Black Mesa Source SDK, and share it with the community on the Steam Workshop.

    Collect the full set of trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, and achievements! Featuring Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop, closed captions in multiple languages and partial controller support.

    Run. Think. Shoot. Source.

    Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista or Greater
    • İşlemci: 2.6 Dual Core Processor or Greater
    • Bellek: 6 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: 2 GB Dedicated Video Card or Greater
    • DirectX: Sürüm 9.0c
    • Ağ: Genişbant İnternet bağlantısı
    • Depolama: 20 GB kullanılabilir alan
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit) or Greater
    • İşlemci: 3.2 Quad Core Processor or Greater
    • Bellek: 8 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: 4 GB Dedicated Video Card or Greater
    • DirectX: Sürüm 9.0c
    • Ağ: Genişbant İnternet bağlantısı
    • Depolama: 20 GB kullanılabilir alan

    Alışveriş Sepeti

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