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3 Classic Maps We Want to See in Battlefield 2042

3 Classic Maps We Want to See in Battlefield 2042
Last week, Ripple Effect announced that revised versions of Battlefield 2042's legacy multiplayer maps will be included in the game as a mod. We also introduced 3 classic maps that fans love and want to see in Battlefield 2042.

Last week, Ripple Effect (formerly DICE LA) announced that revised versions of Battlefield 2042 's legacy multiplayer maps will be included in the game as a mod. Christian Glass, general manager of Ripple Effect, said in the EA broadcast that Battlefield 2042 will see some places that will be familiar to players. While we don't know what mode it will be in yet, we expect to see it in another EA release on July 22.

Another thing Glass explained is that there will be three main modes in Battlefield 2042 : the Warfare option, where 128 players will unleash their full power, the battle royale-like Hazard Zone and the classic maps announced by Ripple Effect.

However, we've introduced 3 classic maps that fans love and want to see in Battlefield 2042 .

1) Karkand 


We'd love to see this classic map, as we think Strike at Karkand will easily fit into the chaotic setting of Battlefield 2042 . This map, which can be described as a big city, was extremely popular in the Battlefield game. Karkand , where players clash with their opponents on the street, in shopping malls and between buildings, fully reveals the destructive spirit of Battlefield .

2) Operation Outbreak


This map appeared in the Community Operations expansion pack in Battlefield 4. The structure and content of this map was determined entirely by community votes. Operation Outbreak is definitely a map we would like to see in Battlefield 2042 . The map consists of an exotic jungle with ancient buildings and an abandoned city. If this map, which players made with their hands in time, comes back, it can create a certain atmosphere of nostalgia.


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3) Wake Island


This is a somewhat obvious option because Wake Island is the most well-known map in all of Battlefield history. So if classic maps are to come back, this map deserves to be included in Battlefield 2042 . For those who don't know, Wake Island is an island with an airbase between Guam and Honolulu. The island's "O" shape is perfect for a map. On this map, players can board boats, planes and ground vehicles and shoot towards their opponents from one end of the island to the other. It may not be Battlefield 's biggest map, but it is definitely one of the most enjoyable maps in the series.

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