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3v3, 7v7 and Shorter Game Updates Coming to Valorant?

3v3, 7v7 and Shorter Game Updates Coming to Valorant?
Riot Games plans to introduce new game modes, shorter games, and variable team sizes to Valorant on a trial basis.

Valorant , which received much praise when Riot Games released the Escalation mode on February 16 , currently has six game modes since its launch. Some of the mods, some of which are permanent, came to the game for a limited time. Valorant developers have some future plans in the near future regarding team sizes and game lengths to create new experiences for players ;  3v3, 7v7 and shorter game updatesdisclosed information about For quite some time, developers have been questioned about their intention to introduce shorter game modes. While players enjoy the basic Plant & Defuse game modes, many players wanted faster versions to spice up the gameplay.

Developer Jared 'Darkhorse4Life' Berbach responded to a question asking if we could see a mode with the same rules as the standard competitive challenge, with fewer rounds.

" This is definitely something we've been thinking about and will continue to consider. I think there's definitely a desire for a shorter version of the standard game mode. Nothing concrete to explain here for now, but stay tuned!" he said .

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Valorant 2.03 Patch Notes and Escalation Mode

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Lisa 'Pwneride' Ohanian also said:

We see that there is a desire for a prototype experience that is shorter than our main game mode, and we have a lot of active convoys about the best way to achieve that in a feel-good way.

During a recent AMA on Reddit, the Valorant developers revealed some of their future plans, including experimenting with team sizes and game lengths to create new experiences for players.

Kyle "tech leach" Leach had this to say about the possibility of future mods for teams of different sizes, 3v3 or even 7v7 setup.

We did some testing of 7v7 and it definitely increased the pace of the game. Some people really liked it, others thought an already chaotic mode was too chaotic. Either way, I felt pretty neutral, but the reason we sent 5v5 was mainly because of party sizes. " said.

While Riot is always looking for ways to innovate in Valorant, dates and exact details have yet to be determined. New permanent mods could be coming soon. So keep reading us.

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