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5 Most Powerful Agents in Valorant for Ranked Matches

5 Most Powerful Agents in Valorant for Ranked Matches
We've compiled the 5 most powerful agents you can choose from in Valorant Chapter 4 Episode. Check out for details.

Valorant Chapter 4 Part 3 brought a lot of changes to the game, includingthe new Turkish-born agent Fade . With the release of patch 4.08, the meta and agent tier list has changed drastically. Sova and Jett got nerfed, Fade got the limelight, and all of this shook the meta. The following agents are the top five picks for ranked matches in Part 3, the list is based on the most played characters and is not based on any statistical data. 


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Valorant Episode 4, Part 3: Top 5 Agents in Ranked Matches  

5) Viper


Viper's abilities have always been a highly controlling element in any competitive Valorant game. A well-timed Poison Curtain is perfect for dispersing enemy squads and catching them off guard, and the Acid Pool ability provides a powerful deterrent.

Viper's ultimate is very powerful on the Icebox map and can easily use his abilities to hold and enter sites A or B. Essentially, his ultimate is an almost perfect way to fill the time after he deploys the spike.

4) Sova


Sova can make herself an important part of the team by providing valuable and timely information. His abilities revolve around getting details about enemy locations if used correctly. The Recon Arrow can be used in various ways to gain intelligence. Using the Owl Drone ability is another great way to tag enemies and spot traps.

Sova's ultimate, Hunter's Fury, can be combined with her sensing abilities to catch enemies by surprise, capturing them through walls, potentially turning the tide of battle.

3) Fade


Fade is the new Lead character added to the Valorant roster. His abilities can be seen as a mix of Skye, Sova, and Breach, helping him tag, reveal and blind opponents.

His primary ability, Haunting, allows players to reveal hidden enemies and mark them with a trail that Fade or his teammates can follow to find them. The Penetrate ability essentially binds enemies to a circular area from which they can't get out, marked by a trail. The enemy's health also drops to 75 HP and becomes temporarily deaf.

The Death ability is similar to Skye's Tasmanian Tiger ability. Once hit with Death, opponents become nearsighted. A maximum of two End Times can be used in a round. Fade's ultimate, Nightfall, is very similar to Breach's Earthquake, but instead of shaking enemies up, he sees them close and is marked with a trail. Their health is also reduced to 75 HP for a short time.

2) Jett


Jett is and always has been the lone wolves' first choice in Valorant; His Lighten and Windlike abilities allow him to outrun his opponents and enter and exit sites instantly.

It can defeat enemies by flanking them from impossible angles. The Smoke Cloud ability is pretty strong to start with and is still a rock solid pick despite recent nerfs. But with Neon on the roster, Jett isn't the only fast agent around, of course. In terms of mobility, it will be quite interesting to see which agent stands out in the coming days.

1) Chamber


The Frenchman Vincent Fabron, aka Chamber, worked for the French army, spending most of his time dealing with warfare and weapons. The tools it offers are very different from other scouts in Valorant and act like a duelist in most situations.

If there's one thing Chamber loves, it's big, bulky guns. Depending on the round, he has access to a variety of weapons using up to four at a time, and that's not all.

His first ability is a trap that scans enemies. When enemies are in range, a timer counts and creates an area that slows those who enter it. Activating the Headhunter ability equips a heavy pistol that can target sights.

His signature ability, Encounter, places two teleport anchors. While within range of the anchor, it can be reactivated and redeployed to quickly teleport to another.

His ultimate, aptly named Sharp Style, summons a sniper rifle that will single-shot enemies, and killing one creates a temporary field that slows the others.

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