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A live action trailer has been released for those who will buy Call Of Duty: WWII!

A live action trailer has been released for those who will buy Call Of Duty: WWII!
The new trailer has been pretty fun!
Call of Duty: WW II has already launched its buyout campaign! It has managed to attract the attention of the players by publishing an interesting live action trailer in this series, as it is in almost every series!


It's time to get your team back together. The new slogan of the newly released live action trailer is "get your squad back together". Aiming to reach more players and break sales records with this slogan, Activision is taking firm steps forward.

The beta of the game was on the air recently and they received a lot of attention, but the game has not been completed yet, some deficiencies need to be fixed and it will be presented to the players on November 3 after the last review.

If you want to take advantage of this opportunity early, you can get the game with a discounted pre-order price, Call of Duty:

Click to buy Call of Duty: WW II now  !


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