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Abilities of Valorant's New Agent Yoru

Abilities of Valorant's New Agent Yoru
Riot Games introduces Valorant Episode 2 Act 1 to the new Duelist Agent Yoru on January 12.

Valorant 's 14th agent, Yoru , will meet players with the release of " Valorant Episode 2 Act 1 " , which will be released on January 12 by Riot Games . A master of manipulation and a Duelist Agent specializing in movement , Yoru can teleport short distances, blind opponents with a flash, and make himself invisible with his Ultimate ability, and even mimic footsteps to dodge his enemies.

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Riot Games recently introduced new agent Yoru in a cinematic video and briefly said the following about the agent: 

Yru is a Spy Duelist who uses a range of tools to reposition himself or create fake stuff. Yoru players will lurk on the map, causing chaos and shattering''

Together with Yoru , Riot is releasing a skin pack called the Run-It-Back pack , which includes a new battle pass that will run until March 1, and some fan-favourite skins from the first episode of Valorant .

Duelist Agent Yoru's Abilities

Ability names may vary. 

  • Ability C – Fake (Fakeout)

It can distract a real player by making fake footsteps, distracting other enemy agents, and putting his team ahead by making a sudden attack. 

  • Ability E - Gatecrash

Open a portal passage and move around your enemies to move towards your desired location.

  • Q Ability - Blindside

Use the moving flash to blind the enemy agents around you. The flash activates when it hits the wall and gives you an advantage.

  • X Ability - Dimensional Drift (Dimensional Drift)

Put on a dimensional mask and roam Yoru's dimension, see where your enemies are hiding and let your team know. When you use your ability, the bullets of your enemies will not penetrate you.

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