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All New and Re-Introduced Items for League 13 Season 13

All New and Re-Introduced Items for League 13 Season 13
With the return of two iconic items, changes to existing items, and three new tank glory items, LoL Season 13 will shake up the meta a bit.

League of Legends Season 13 brings a bunch of new changes, including the item shop. Since the Season 11 revision, Riothas been trying to find the sweet spot with the Glory and Legendary items , but some of their roles have been more difficult than most.

Magnificent tank items have been heavily discussed since the Sunfire Shield and Iceborn Glove buffs. With damage champions like Yone and Diana running Sunfire at different points in Season 12, it's clear their majestic tanks are performing well. But not the intended champions.

That's why, in League Season 13, most of the Glory tanks are being converted to standard items, and a new fleet of Glory is introduced that aims to change the way tanks work. According to Matthew Leung-Harrison, Principal Designer of the League of Legends balance team, they are " re-evaluating what it means to have a tank glory item, " by giving players more item options .

On top of that, two historic League of Legends items return: the Centennial Stick and Shojin's Spear. Here are all the item changes you need to know before League of Legends Season 13 .


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League of Legends Season 2023 Will Rock the Rift With New Magnificent Items

LoL is getting ready to enter the 2023 season. The vast majority of Season 13's item changes and additionscome to tank items . Adding three new tank-focused majestic items to the item list; The Turbo Chemical Tank and Sunfire Shield are dropped from majestic items.

Riot also wants to give players more decision-making power when crafting their majestic items: " In this world, after some research, we've decided that magnificence items should be purchased more regularly as a second item so you can craft items more freely against your lane opponent," said Leung-Harrison.

Here are three glorious additions to the current roster in League of Legends Season 13.


Jak'Sho, the Protean

  • 400 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 20 Ability Speed
  • Voidborne Resilience: For every second in champion battle, gain a stack granting 2 armor and MR, up to 8 stacks. You become stronger at max stacks, instantly draining surrounding enemies for 3% of your max health (reduced to 30% against minions and monsters), and doubling your stacks resistance until the end of the battle. (60 second cooldown)
  • Glorious Passive: Grants 5 Armor and MR to all other legendary items.

Luminous Virtue

  • 400 Health, 30 Armor, 30 Magic Resist, 20 Ability Speed
  • Guide Light: When you use your ultimate, achieve 10% of your max health by exceeding it for 9 seconds. While in this state, you and 1200 teams' football gain 25 Basic Ability Speed. Also, you and your teams' health is regenerated by 1.5% until the end of 3 users. This ratio will be at most 100% depending on the missing health. Cannot be dimensioned (90 second cooldown).
  • Magnificent Passive: Grants 100 Health to all other majestic items.


  • 800 Health, 200% Base Health Regen, 20 Ability Speed
  • Colossal Consumption: Charge a champion with a powerful attack for three seconds while within 600 range. Charged attack consumes the target, deals bonus physical damage and heals you by that amount. You gain health equal to 15% of the drain. (30 sec CD per target)
  • Magnificent Passive: Grants all other majestic items a 1% health boost and a 6% increase in champion size.


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League of Legends Season 13 Reintroduced Items: Centennial Stick and Shojin's Spear

The Centennial Stick was the mainstay of mages in the early seasons of League of Legends, while the Spear of Shojin was an item that turned some of the League's defeaters into indestructible gods. Both have retained some of their original identities as items, but Season 13 iterations of these items are not replicas of their long-lost predecessors, either.

While Shojin has abandoned his old identity as an item dependent on using his ultimate for usefulness, the Centennial Rod has a tier dependent on time-based power scaling, giving him a bigger payoff than before.

On top of these two, the Ancient Transformer is reintroduced as a component of both the Centennial Stick and the Infernal Mask.

Spear of Shojin

  • 65 Attack Damage, 300 Health, 20 Ability Speed
  • Dragon Power: Your non-ultimate abilities gain ability speed equivalent to 6 + 10% of bonus AD (4 + 6% of bonus AD for ranged champions). This effect decays for immobilizing abilities, granting ability speed equivalent to 3 + 5% of bonus AD (42 + 3% of bonus AD for ranged champions).
  • Necessity: You gain movement speed based on your missing health. This increase is up to 15% (max 10% for ranged champions) (you will gain max speed when your health drops below 33%).

Centennial Stick

  • 60 Ability Power, 300 Health, 300 Mana
  • This item gains 20 Health, 20 Mana, and 4 Ability Power per minute for 10 minutes, providing a total of 200 Health, 200 Mana, and 40 Ability Power. You level up when you reach max stacks (Note: Your level cannot exceed 18).
  • Glorious Passive: Grants 5 Ability Speed ​​to all other legendary items.

Ancient Converter

  • 225 Health, 300 Mana
  • Ancient Transformation: Regenerates 15% of damage taken from champions, and 20% of mana spent. Limited to a maximum of 15 Health per use. Toggleable abilities can heal up to 15 Health per second.
  • This is a component item for the Centennial Stick and is also added to the Infernal Mask.

These new items will be added as part of the League of Legends Season 13 launch in mid-November, including major top lane and jungle overhauls, the re-introduction of the Alchemy Dragon, and more .

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