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All We Know About Valorant New Agent 15

All We Know About Valorant New Agent 15
Just one year after Valorant's first beta session, Riot Games' tactical shooter continues to evolve with a substantial player base, exciting esports program, the promise of new content on the move, and a brand new agent. All known information about the new agent is in our article.

Based on various speculations coming from social media and other community pages, we can say that it is quite possible that a new agent will be included in the game with the upcoming new Valorant update . It is said that in the recently added Valorant 2.03 patch notes update, new files pointing to Agent 15 have been added and the new agent is Ghanaian. Valorant Chapter 2 Action 1 will end soon, and with the next Action 2, players; They want a new battle pass, a new map, improvements, and of course, the inclusion of a new agent in the game. Every Valorant ActAfter the series, it seems that this request of the fans will not be left in the air, since a new one has been added to the agent roster of the game.

The first questions that come to mind are what will be the name of this new agent? Which country will the agent be based in? What category will it serve? It is too early to answer these questions, but we can easily say that new information will come to light as time goes on. Of course, the future of a new agent is not yet certain, but the developments in the past and some files in the 2.03 patch notes indicate the future of a new agent. Since the game was released; He recruited a total of four agents, two duelists, a scout, and a lead agent. With the arrival of the upcoming new patch and Chapter 2 Action 2 , it is anticipated that Agent 15 will also become a control specialist.

Valorant Agent 15 Sensations and Rumors 

The post on the Night Market announcement seems to hint at a Ghanaian origin for the upcoming agent, so much so that Valorant's  new agent is thought to be a Ghanaian and royal female Control Specialist.

In addition to the information stored in the published 2.03 patch notes , some data miners also shared a few information about the new agent's abilities. Another striking detail in a new post by Valorant on social media was the hand of the new agent. The shape of his hand, as well as its yellow-purple appearance, seem to indicate that he is an extraterrestrial being. Some speculation is that the body colors of the new agent have an important meaning in the Adinkrahene language. Based on the colors in this language, it is stated that the yellow color indicates the kingdom, a high rank or service to that rank, and the purple color generally refers to female or female creatures. When we set off from all these clues, we think of the things that come to our minds and come to life in our brains and think of the future.We believe that new agent 15 is a female of Ghanaian descent and belongs to or serves that lineage. Since no official announcement has been made yet, it would be best to wait until an official announcement to confirm the accuracy of our estimates.

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Valorant's Story and Control Experts

Riot Games developers have managed to elaborate the story of Valorant , the FPS game that is already popular and increasing its influence in the field of esports day by day . The story is so woven that a person who carefully examines it can envisage both the depth of the story and various story possibilities in his own consciousness. The continuation of the story, whose main plot is based on Radianite , revolves around the struggle against opposing forces. More detailed stories can be provided in the future, and the story can be enriched with various perspectives.

Discovered during an event as a result of an event meaning First Light, Radianite is a power desired to be used by greedy kingdom companies. The fight against this malicious company, which wants to get stronger by taking advantage of the power of Radianit, is given by a secret organization called Valorant Protocol , which has various skills and areas of expertise. Valorant Protocol agents fall into four different categories based on their abilities and characteristics. These;

  • Duelists who prefer to go head to head with opponents
  • Vanguards who prefer to launch attacks and kill opponents
  • The Sentinels, who watch their team's back and are the most important part of defense against enemies
  • Control Specialists who protect a particular area and prevent any intervention against that area

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