Best Skills for Diablo Immortal Barbarian Class

Players looking to give the Barbarian Class their best shot in Diablo Immortal should prioritize these core skills.

The Barbarian class haslong been a popular choice for fans of the Diablo series . The Barbarian class, which appears in most Diablo games, is the perfect choice for those who want to dive straight into the front lines and slash through hordes of enemies in Diablo Immortal, whether they're AI or enemy players.

Barbarians excel in the middle of battle as they offer strong area of ​​effect and burst damage while having excellent crowd control skills, flexibility and mobility. This allows the Barbarian class in particular to be successful in PVE combat, but players will also notice its effectiveness in PVP as long as enemies are kept within melee range.However, players will need the right skills to turn their Barbarian into an unstoppable killing machine.


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Best Skills for Diablo Immortal Barbarian Class

1) Lacerate

Unlocked at level 1 , Lacerate is one of the two main options for a Barbarian's primary attack. This skill is great early in the game as every third attack heals Barbarian for 15% of the damage dealt and helps him stay in battle longer.

Lacerate also has an additional ultimate ability called Blood and Rage, which enhances Lacerate for 12 seconds, increasing damage dealt and healing. Barbarians will also gain a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of max life for approximately 3 seconds.

2) Hammer Of The Ancients

Players who have unlocked it at level 1 can summon a huge hammer to crush their enemies with the Hammer Of The Ancients skill . Since the foundations of the world are also shattered, the skill deals additional damage to the affected area for 2 seconds.

The ability is a great area of ​​effect skill available from the start that can be upgraded with legends such as summoning a spirit ally that stuns nearby enemies and fights alongside the player for a short time.

3) Whirlwind

Unlocked at level 8 , Whirlwind is perhaps the most recognizable and iconic skill of the Barbarian class . With a 0.5 second cooldown, players will transform into a flying whirlwind of death, dealing damage to all nearby enemies while moving at a 70% reduced speed. Using this skill consumes energy, but the energy bar recharges when Whirlwind is not in use.

Ideal for both PVE and PVP battles, this ability is an excellent crowd control skill for mowing down multiple enemies when surrounded. A must for every Barbarian and ideal for leveling up and killing creeps quickly.

4) Leap

Unlocked at level 28 , Leap allows Barbarians to launch themselves towards the enemy, dealing damage and slowing their movement by 50% for 4 seconds. Additionally, all health enemies hit by Leap will reduce Leap's cooldown by 1 second, making death a real possibility.

Leap is great as a starter move against PVE mobs to charge and prime the ability. It's also helpful to avoid death or prevent enemy players from escaping in PVP combat, even if they're cheating.


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5) Frenzy

Unlocked at level 34 , Frenzy is an alternate to Barbarian 's main primary attack option. Each hit to an enemy increases Frenzy's attack speed by 8% for 3 seconds, which can stack up to 5 times. Essentially, this means that the player will hit enemies quickly and deal a lot of single-target damage.

The skill has an ultimate ability known as the Restless Demon, which enhances Frenzy for 12 seconds and makes players immune to stuns while increasing attack speed. Players also receive a shield that absorbs damage, similar to Blood and Rage. Unhindered movement also gives players immunity to crowd control abilities that can be a lifesaver in some PVP skirmishes.

6) Undying Rage

Undying Rage unlocked at level 44 allows players to enter Rage mode for 5 seconds. While in this state, players cannot die and all attacks by the player heal the Barbarian for 30% of all damage done.

This skill can be useful if the Barbarian is being crushed by large enemy mobs. It is very possible to enter this state with 10% health and exit with full HP after this ability is triggered. What makes this ability incredible is that its cooldown is only 30 seconds, allowing players to cheat death not once but multiple times.

7) Wrath Of The Berserker

Unlocked at level 50, this ability causes them to enter a frenzied state that increases Barbarian 's attack speed by 50%. Also, the Barbarian's movement speed is increased by 20% for 6.5 seconds, which is pretty crazy when players combine this ability with other skills.

Wrath Of The Berserker is a great buff for movement and attack speed, making it great not only for clearing out PVE hordes, but also for focusing and eliminating enemy players weakened in PVP. Additional health buffs can combine the ability with Lacerate for this.

Diablo Immortal is now available for mobile and PC.

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