Best Valorant Agents to Play Against Gekko

If you really want to keep the enemy Gekko at bay, you need to know the best Valorant agents to play against him.

Gekko ” is the last agent to join the Valorant meta with Chapter 6 Part 2 . You will now see him often on stage in both your unranked and competitive games. That's why you need to know how to play against the agent, how to beat it.

Gekko is a pioneer who equips creatures that take the form of his abilities . E/Confused is a powerful flash capable of blinding multiple enemies in the creature's line of sight, Q/Bloodbird can stun or spike or disarm enemies, C/Fluffy Field is a deadly area damage, and his ultimate X/Bully can hold back enemy players . All abilities except Fluffy Field can be obtained after using and used again in the round.

While it may sound scary, of course, abilities aren't as deadly as they seem. Confused, Bloodbird, and Bully can be destroyed by gunfire or damage-dealing abilities; While Fluffy Field does a lot of damage over a wide radius, it can be avoided.

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Best Valorant Agents to Play Against Gekko

If you really want to keep the enemy Gekko at bay, you need to know the best Valorant agents to play against him .


There is no better agent to deal with a powerful skill kit than a mechanical bogeyman that can suppress said abilities. While KAY/O's ZERO/Point blade or ultimate CANCEL/Command doesn't completely prevent Gekko from using his abilities, it's the best option to keep him in check.

When defending or retaking the site towards the end of the turn, a KAY/O ultimate will keep Gekko's abilities at bay.

Killjoy or Cypher

Having a spotter who knows their helper placements is vital to stopping Gekko aggression. With Killjoy, players will be able to set up the Alarm Bot and Nanoswarm to deter an overly aggressive Gekko from crushing a site with their abilities during a retake.

With Cypher, the Booby Trap can slow Gekko down, and the Hidden Camera transmits information, allowing Cypher's teammates to get into points where they are less vulnerable to being spammed with abilities.

Jett, Raze and Neon

Gekko's greatest strength is his ability to quickly make room with his creatures, and as such, an aggressive entry player who can take up space first is a sensible response. Jett and Neon can create their own trenches and quickly gain area control using advanced movement mechanics. Likewise, Raze can also take up space while using her explosive abilities to keep enemies at bay.

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