Does Valorant Need a "Color Wheel" in Reticle Settings?

Why is the Color Wheel required for Valorant? Details are in the article.

Who doesn't love to play around with the aim settings in Valorant ? Mixing and matching various color themes, along with "motion error" and "firing failure" dynamic options, is an essential part of getting used to and playing the game your way. However, when it comes to available color themes, the Valorant reticle settings page lacks selection, and many in the community feel that Riot should add a few more color variants.

For now, ValorantSight settings offer: White, Green, Amber Green, Green Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Pink, and Red. In a previous discussion on the Valorant reticle guide, we talked about the importance of coloring your crosshair to help your playstyle and improve your accuracy by comparing it to the background theme of a particular map. But for many Valorant fans, the available colors aren't enough and expect Riot to add new options.

Does Valorant Need New "Color Wheel" in Reticle Settings?

Reddit users personally like Riot's Valoranthe thinks it would be good for society by adding a "color wheel" to the reticle settings. One reddit user says: "Only a few colors are available for your Sight Green, Blue, Red, Pink, Yellow-green and Green Yellow. First of all, do you guys think it's a good idea to add more colors (more colors)? Is there a need?) because I personally see no reason not to add this feature.". What's very interesting about this Reddit thread is the number of positive responses the original post received.

Apparently the person mentioned on Reddit isn't the only Valorant gamer to want a dynamic color theme for the crosshair. With a 97% positive vote, there are many players around the world who want to customize the reticle color in Valorant , just like how they customize their weapon cosmetics and weapon effects. For the average gamer, most of the Valorant match is spent staring at the sight. Letting them customize the color the way they want is really something the community would greatly appreciate.

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