How to Change Valorant Username?

Many players complain about the in-game username in Valorant and want to change it. In this article, we have compiled for you how to change your username for the game.

Valorant , one of Riot Games' favorite games , continues to climb the ladder of success. It is now possible to change your username in the game, which is getting popular day by day and appealing to large audiences. Riot Games , which attaches great importance to the privacy of users , brought the user name hiding feature to the game.

The main reasons for this situation are:

For these reasons , Riot Games offered the option to hide usernames for the publisher and other players. Many players who no longer like their usernames and don't want to be ghosted on their streams can change their Valorant username instead of hiding it.

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How to Change In-Game Name in Valorant

If you're tired of your Valorant username , it's time to change it. As you know, you can change your player name in  League of Legends, LoR and TT by purchasing a Riot Pin , that is, by paying a fee. In Valorant , you can do this for free, as your name is normally associated with your Riot account.

To change your name, you must:

After doing all these steps and specifying your username, make sure that you have registered the page correctly and that your username is registered correctly. Please note that you only have the right to do this once a month. Therefore, before you change your username, write it knowing that you have written it correctly and that you will not want to change it again later or that it cannot be changed for 1 month. If you have provided all these operations correctly, you can now open Valorant and enter the game with your new username.

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