League of Legends Patch 13.8 Notes | New Changes

Patch notes 13.8 are gearing up for the MSI tournament and it's unclear what meta will be seen in pro games depending on when teams head to London.

Riot is trying their best to balance out League of Legends' strong champions, but it seems like they're running late with some champions like Olaf. |

Patch 13.7 consists of changes made to reduce the power of jungler and other characters that are available to professional players. This patch will make a significant impact on the jungle metagame and force players to adapt to the changes.

Patch notes 13.8 are gearing up for the MSI tournament and it's unclear what meta will be seen in pro games depending on when teams head to London. However, most current pro games continue to be played in patch 13.5 or 13.6, so certain changes to the meta are to be expected. The new patch notes contain more buffs instead of nerfs.

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League of Legends Patch Notes 13.8

The list of buffed champions this time is longer than in the last patch. Debuffs are less and it looks like Riot is trying to add more champions to the meta rather than removing them directly.

Empowered champions

The new LoL update includes ten buffs to allow the use of more junglers and other champions in the meta. According to Riot Phroxzon, there were originally supposed to be 11 buffs, but the changes have been withdrawnas more work will be done on Zoe

Stating that most of these buffs are for junglers and many champions in general, Riot Phraxzon states that Kha'Zix is ​​among the most notable buffs. Here are all the changes made to different champions in patch 13.8:

  1. Ezreal
  2. garen
  3. Janna
  4. Kha'Zix
  5. Kog'Maw
  6. Leona
  7. Lillia
  8. nidalee
  9. poppy

Weakened champions

This update will include five debuffs as Malphite finally gets the expected nerf. There are also nerfs to Aurelion Sol, Jarvan, and Rakan. Jarvan was prioritized in the previous update and Rakan had become a serious threat in the pro game. Added later, Shadow Executioner Kayn is getting a nerf for his solo performance.

System settings

New champion skins coming in the LoL 13.8 patch notes

Butcher of Dawn Renekton

Combat of the Dawn Vayne

Lancer of the Night Jarvan IV

Night Claw Nasus

When will LoL patch notes 13.8 be released?

League of Legends patch 13.8 is expected to be released on Wednesday, April 19, 2023.

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