LoL 11.2 Patch Coming - Viego Coming to the Valley

With the next LoL patch, patch 11.2, Buffs for many champions will be added to the game and the meta will change drastically. Also, with the arrival of the patch, Viego joins the valley.

League of Legends ' next patch 11.2 will be a massive patch that Riot Games  will try to bring in plenty of balance changes. With patch 10.23 , League of Legends developers overhauled most of the in-game elements and introduced many unique interactions and passive skills . The unique item system has drastically changed the way the game is played, creating numerous balance inequalities that Riot Games needs to resolve. Although patch 11.1 brought some notable changes, the update was not very extensive, we can say that it was just an update that introduced the new season 11.

Patch Preview 11.2 with all tentative changes

A few additions, and not 100% locked down but we're getting close.

— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) January 12, 2021

League of Legends LCK Spring Split Begins

Patch 11.2 will bring major updates to the game. Not only will the latest champion Viego , Ruined King be introduced, but will also see nerfs in the Aatrox and Olaf kits effective in Omnivamp and Lifesteal. Many new items, along with some Unique sets, will be modified to further balance the gameplay. Champions with reduced selection rates such as Dr Mundo , Shaco, and LeBlanc will receive some much-needed buffs to make them effective again. The League of Legends 11.2 patch will go live on January 21, and we've compiled a list of all possible changes to the game.

LoL 11.2 Patch Possible Changes

With the arrival of the new patch, various changes will be provided, the main changes will be made to in-game items. In addition to the item changes, it is said that many champions will receive buffs and nerfs. Finally, Viego, with its other well-known motto "The Ruined King", comes to the valley, to the champion pool! You can view Buffed and Nerfed champions from the list below.

Buffed Champions

Nerfed Champions

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