LoL 11.3 Patch Notes and Moon Monster Skins

Riot Games shared the 11.3 patch notes for League of Legends. The new 11.3 patch update brings the Moon Monsters event and Moon Monster skins into the valley.

League of Legends shared the 11.3 patch notes , the third update of 2021 . to the new year; League of Legends , which made a bombshell entry with more than 100 champion adjustments and 11.2 patch updates with 11.1 patch notes and a new champion and multiple skins, shared the 11.3 patch notes on February 3 in order to balance the sudden damage and prevent the overpowering effects from affecting the game badly. . Moon Monster skins recently previewed by Riot Games , Faded Rose and Crystal Rose skins across League and Wild Rift on February 4will also be included in League of Legends on February 11 as part of the 11.3 patch notes.

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In patch 11.3, items were evaluated based on their properties and categorized in five different ways across a wide range of items; fighter, enchanter, marksman, tank and survival items. Also provided balancing, nerf and buff updates for some champions.

11.3 Patch Notes Highlights

League of Legends 11.3 patch , as we mentioned above, provided improvements in the game due to the use of items according to the skill kits of champions such as Renekton, Olaf and Darius, due to their excessive strength.

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

Buffed Champions

Fixed Bugs


Moon Monster Festival Skin Skins Chart

The Moon Festival
is League of Legends' way of celebrating the new lunar year. Moon Monster skins , Annie, Alistar, Aphelios, Darius, Jarvan IV, as well as a prestigious version Fiora have entered the testing ground with new skins. Also, Talon and Syndra get some gothic purple Faded Rose skins , while Swain and Zyra get the richer Crystal Rose  style with new skins. 
Moon Monster FioraMoon Monster Viego
Moon Monster AnnieMoon Monster Darius
Moon Monster AlistarMoon Monster Jarvan IV
Moon Monster ApheliosMoon Monster Fiora Prestige Series
Crystal Rose Zyra and SwainWithered Rose Syndra and Talon

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