LoL 11.4 Patch Notes and Details

Riot Games shared the 11.4 patch notes for League of Legends. With the new 11.4 patch update, many changes and adjustments have been made to the bottom lane champions. This patch also focused on gameplay in general and no new costumes were introduced.

After the 11.3 patch update released two weeks ago , Riot Games also published the League of Legends 11.4 patch notes today, and the new patch addresses the champions playing in the bottom lane. In the patch notes, which brought balance changes to shorter-range champions like Samira, who cuts in pro play alone, is dashing and generally turns things upside down, she is also the champion of the bottom lane; Many champions such as the new champion Viego , Soraka and Katarina have also received balance changes. LoL game design director Mark Yetter said of the new patch notes: ' A number of changes we're working on for 11.4 are some location weaknesses for Jungle. '

According to Riot, Samira's win rates may be good, but her ban rates are very high, and with the changes, the developers are now hoping that 'playing against them will be less frustrating'. Along with changes to other bottom laners like Caitlyn, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Varus, Samira is also getting a few adjustments to her hit builds, Katarina and Urgot, which have been hit hard by the recent changes to Kraken. Also, Riot is lowering the overall strength of the jungle in patch notes 11.4 , weakening jungle camp rewards to make games feel 'less dictated by the strength of the jungle'.

The last of the major changes in patch 11.4 has been adjusted for mage items. Cosmic Impulse loses 1/3 of its ability rush, but its refined passive ability will serve those who built it up much better than its effect.

LoL 11.4 Patch Notes Balance Changes

Weakened (Nerf) Champions


Buffed Champions


Fixed Bugs

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