LoL 12.3 Patch Notes: Ahri Rework

LoL 12.3 patch notes make their way to the meta for many champions with nerfs, item updates, Ahri rework and much more.

League of Legends 12.3 patch notes take their place in the meta with nerfs, item updates and much more for many champions. League of Legends Season 12 has been a tough time for developers to balance, and as such, they're quickly moving forward with more than two dozen items and champions to get the burgeoning 2022 meta back under control.

Only Lillia and Quinn are buffed while Zeri, Akshan, Amumu, Brand, Caitlyn, Corki, LeBlanc, Nami, Senna, Twisted Fate, which were released last week, receive nerfs.

Players can expect a few hours of downtime after the patch starts. Matchmaking and competitive queues will be disabled on all League of Legends servers approximately three hours before the official release of the next Season 12 patch. 

Here are all the details about League of Legends patch 12.3,   which will be out this week .

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LoL 12.3 Patch Notes Details

Ahri Renewed

Riot said Season 12 will be balancing many champions and reworking long-neglected champions; lead game designer Bryan "Axes" Salvatore revealed in a December 16 blog post that Ahri's influence in mid lane is waning and Riot is looking to get her back into the group. So it received a refresh to make the Nine-Tailed Fox feel “fun and well supported.” Alongside the gameplay overhaul, Ahri will also receive a visual update.

Base attributes

Passive - Essence Thief

Q - Orb of Deception

W - Fox Fire

E - Seductive Kiss

R - Spirit Attack

Visual and Sound Effects Updates

Champion Updates

♦ Weakened Champions




Fixed a bug that caused the ability's cooldown to be refunded if Caitlyn was frightened while casting her ultimate.




Twisted Fate


Base Attributes

R - Lightning Blast

♦ Empowered Champions 



♦ Edited Champions



Item Updates


From the Deity (Ornn's Masterpiece Item)


Endless Hunger (Ornn's Masterpiece Item)

Trinity Force

Eternal Strength (Ornn's Masterpiece Item)

Dance of Death

Sterak's Assurance

Mouth of Malmortius

Blade of the Ruined King

Black Ax

Wild Hydra

Furnace Ax


Turbo Chemical Tank

Fixed Bugs and Quality of Life Changes

We saw a lot of balancing in the LoL 12.3 patch notes . At the same time, Crystal Rose Akshan, Crystal Rose Janna and Faded Rose Elise are dating on February 10, 2022.

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►  LoL New Champion Skins: Withered Rose and Crystal Rose

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