

LoL Season 12's Top 10 Non-Meta ADC Champions

LoL Season 12's Top 10 Non-Meta ADC Champions

LoL ADC champions are one of the most valuable roles in the game. Check out Season 12's top 10 non-meta ADCs.

ADC is one of the most valuable roles in the game, so much so that there is another role dedicated to supporting the ADC discarded lane stage. LoL ADC champions must have farm gold to be effective later in the game, so it's crucial that your AD bearer has a good lane tier. Towards the end of the game, the ADC usually deals the most flat damage per second on average - not exact.

While some choices make sense since items and innate kits synergize well, many other things that aren't necessarily considered the norm can work as well. Another bonus is that these non-meta picks are often fun and your opponents won't always know how to deal with it.

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LoL Season 12's Top Non-Meta ADC Champions

1. Thresh


Let's start this list with a champion unheard of in the ADC role, although it's not common. Thresh has a lot to do. Thresh is a great champion for short-duration impulsive hits due to the way his E ability Skinn is working. Thanks to his passive, he gains armor and ability power from the souls of enemies he kills. Crowd-controlled champion has the ability to push enemies away from the area when playing aggressively.

While he's a bit weak in the early stages due to a lack of soul in the lane, he gets into the game properly later on and can even help the bottom lane jungler by pulling them in with his W - Dark Pass. Overall, Thresh is a very good choice for the ADC role, especially if your support also has some crowd control.

2. Senna

While Senna is originally thought of as a boost, the way his kit works also makes him an excellent ADC. His passive scales better than Thresh towards the end of the game by freeing souls through Forgiveness. The more free spirits you become, the more bonuses you get. This provides a number of useful stats throughout the lane phase. Q-Piercing Darkness is a nudge with built-in healing that lightens the load of your support a bit. W-Final Convergence is a good crowd control that can potentially root multiple targets.

Curse of the Black Mist can only be used to hide that you are not alone with your support; this is perfect when you are often the target of enemy focus fire. Finally, Senna's ultimate gives her a bit of a global presence. This ability can turn into a double kill for an ally who is about to raid top lane.

3. Xerath

High Mage Xerath isn't exactly an AD champion, and while this is an ADC roster, you should still create him as an AP mage. Think of Xerath as an in-game sniper. The champion with excellent ranged abilities has plenty of haras, which is great during both lane and jungle fights. However, you need to be a bit careful with how you use your skills, as you may run into mana issues even though it periodically returns Mana Raid to you.

Another issue with Xerath is that when he uses his R-Magic Rite, he takes root so to speak. You need to be extra careful with your positioning as you are vulnerable when using this ability. It's a bit more punishing than other alternative champions, and its skills require precise aiming and prediction. But in the right hands, Xerath is relatively safe out of reach of opposing champions, while he can certainly destroy squishy targets from afar.

4. Ziggs

Ziggs is on this list for the same general reason as Xerath; It hurts, too much. All of her abilities were designed with one thing in mind: damage. While his passive is Short Wick, his cooldown is shortened each time he casts it, and amplifies his basic attacks. It's also a great tower destroyer, because its passive works on towers.

5. Teemo

Some people might call it "devil's choice," but a bottom lane Teemo can destroy certain matches, especially enemy champions that rely heavily on auto attacks. These "right-click champions", as some call them, are rendered useless for a while because of Teemo's Q-Blinding Dart. You'd be surprised how many champions fall into this category. It also has excellent positioning capabilities thanks to Passive-Fighting and W-Series Stepping. Think of the latter as a soft escape tool.

E-Toxic Shot is great for knocking down enemies and their health bars. DoT (damage over time) effects put the enemy in a false sense of security when they think they have more health than they actually do when it's all over. Teemo can smash even the toughest tanks when you combine it with attack speed items.

We can agree that it's the R-Dangerous Trap that makes Teemo notorious in League. This not only causes unexpected deaths, especially escaping enemies, but also gives your entire team extra vision. That alone makes it invaluable throughout the early, mid and late games.

6. Twisted Fate

Over the years Twisted Fate has seen many experimental builds. Teleports to any target within 1.5 seconds thanks to his ultimate Destiny. He farms fast with Passive-Damaged Dice, has a great poke with Q-Trump: Death, and the E-Chance Deck is arguably better suited for ADC Twisted Fate than the AP Mid one.

W-Choose a Card is a versatile skill. Maintains mana throughout the lane phase, stuns and slows in an area of ​​effect. Simply put, the motherboard is a versatile choice that is suitable for many situations. The ability to scale with AD or AP also makes it much more compatible.

7. Urgot

The Dreadnought is a champion that hasn't gotten much love in years, and while he's often seen in top lane, he's also a great candidate for bottom lane. Urgot is great at poking in the lane because of his skills. It also has an E-Contempt feature that makes your jungler's raids much more successful.

R-Worse than Death is a ranged execution that inflicts fear on nearby enemies. This is great for dodging enemies, assuming your target is good, and gives you a chance to dodge enemy champions targeting you if you're alone.

8. Bard

Bard, like Thresh, benefits from minor skirmishes throughout the lane phase. Many of his abilities also benefit his team as a whole, making him an overall great champion whatever his role. Collecting meeps throughout the game with the Passive-Wanderer's Summon deals bonus magic damage to his basic attacks. While the Q-Cosmic Link and R-Destiny Unity require a lot of skill to spawn perfectly, it's very satisfying when done right. Often times, enemies just want to give up when the execution is flawless.

With the W-Guardian's Shrine, Bard can heal allies in other lanes when they need healing, without having to be physically present. When you place the shrine near the tower in an enemy raid, your teammates can be healed by touching the shrine.

9. Kennen

This yordle is a good choice that goes great when paired with props with good crowd control. Kennen doesn't have the best ranged basic attacks, which puts him at an early disadvantage when laning against much longer range heavy haras champions. But Kennen makes up for it with his kill potential and pokes. It works with energy, not mana. This allows him to basically spam most of his abilities once the cooldown is over.

An AD Kennen focuses more on the W-Electric Wave than a Q-Rumbling Star. Like E-Lightning is great for dodging, positioning yourself for a big game, or catching escaping enemies. R-Lightning Rain keeps you relevant in fights and makes enemy champions think twice about engaging in combat.

All of her abilities also contribute to activating your passive ability, Mark of the Storm, which stuns enemies. While it may seem like a lot of theory crafting on paper, it all combines so well in practice.

10. Yone

While he's not technically a ranged hero for basic attacks, I think he's capable of enough poke and bottom lane carry to earn himself a spot on this list. Many of the points discussed here also apply to the Yasuo ADC. While it may raise some doubts from your teammates, it's still a solid choice in some situations.

This will be a little simple. Yone can deal a lot of damage while he's very mobile. I think we can all agree that playing against a federal Yone is annoying. He deals a lot of damage early with all his abilities, all of which cause unwanted spam due to his lack of mana. E-Free Spirit allows other champions to perform insane peaks that they wouldn't otherwise be able to try, all without fear of getting caught in crowd control. This is also the skill that gives him great mobility. R-Sealed Destiny is an excellent finishing move and an even better starting ability.

These are the top picks for LoL Season 12 non-meta champions . What is now meta was non-meta a long time ago. Who knows? A new trend may be being created that will extend into the next season.   

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