Lost Ark Class Guide: Assassin (Assassin)

In the Lost Ark class guide, we're covering Shadowhunters and Deathblade from the Assassin (Assassin) class today.

In the Lost Ark class guide, we're discussing the Assassin (Assassin) class today. Assassins are mysterious warriors who wield a combination of blades and demonic abilities, channeling dark forces in the name of light with swift, colorful attacks. You can choose between shapeshifting Shadowhunters to access demonic power and powerful attacks, or the Deathblade class, which uses quick sword combinations to take down and defeat enemies.

While opponents may not always see an Assassin coming, they will certainly witness the destruction left behind by their chaotic demonic powers or their sharp swords. You can examine the attacks and abilities of the two Assassin Advanced Classes in more detail below.


►  Lost Ark Classes; Mage Class


Lost Ark Assassin Class


Shadowhunters prefer to beat demons at their own game, they can transform into powerful demon forms to unleash chaotic power. Shadowhunters gain incredibly devastating powers and increased health and movement speed when their inner demon is unleashed.

Shadowunter Abilities :


►  Lost Ark Class Guide: Warriors



The Deathblade is an Assassin class that wields a total of three swords alongside the power of chaos to quickly cut through their enemies . Quick combo attacks from light doubleswords and longswords take down enemies, causing thousands of cuts to death.

Deathblade Abilities :

Lost Ark debuts on Friday, February 11. For more information on other classes and more Lost Ark news, follow us on our social media accounts.

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