Lost Ark offers a wide variety of ways to play the way you want. One of the most important decisions you will make is determining which class is right for you. Looking for a Class that excels at heavy-hitting powerful abilities and can absorb massive amounts of damage in return? Look no further than the warrior class . Warriors are the powerhouses of Arkesia, they may not be very agile, so they hold their ground and compensate for their lower mobility with calamity. With three advanced classes , you can further shape the Warrior to have a balance of offense and defense, or push your warrior to make the choice you want.
Warriors are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. You can see the devastating abilities of the three Warrior Advanced Classes on display here.
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Interested in trading some of the Warrior's defensive abilities for an all-out offensive style? Lost Ark's Berserker class is best for you. Berserkers are mighty warriors with high damage big sword attacks and strong defenses, but once they get into burst mode, they're virtually unstoppable. In this upgraded state, they gain more attack and movement speed and unlock a special skill that inflicts a world of pain on their enemies.
Berserker Skills :
Berserk Fury : Use your sword (greatsword) to create Berserk Fury and strike a powerful blow. As you charge this skill, the attack range and damage scale increase.
Strike Wave : Concentrate energy on the greatsword and break through the floor and drop forward. This skill can be charged to deal more damage.
Whirlwind : Spin with greatsword to deal damage.
Crime Hazard : Jump and swing your sword to deal damage and launch enemies into the sky, then strike to deal damage again and knock them down.
Hell Blade : Deal damage by stabbing your sword into the ground. Hold and attack to inflict more damage. Hit this ability's Perfect Zone for a final hit that deals even more damage and knocks enemies into the air.
Paladins have a direct link with the powers of the gods and channel their ancient powers into similarly powerful offensive and defensive moves: they can use sacred skills and buffs to support their team from behind, or they can use a sword and fight with punitive skills. The best of all , the Paladins class works best for players who want access to a wide variety of abilities balanced on both offense and defense, with options to support their teammates or use offensive attacks to play aggressively.
Paladin Abilities :
Alithanes's Judgment : Jump and unleash a shimmering holy light for an attack through even Guardian monsters. Deal damage to surrounding enemies while landing and create a barrier for yourself and your party members.
Wrath Of God : Summon the energy of holy thunder into your weapon and deal damage to surrounding enemies.
Execution of Justice : Hold your sword in one hand and quickly spin it in place to deal damage to your enemy, then deal a crushing blow that deals additional damage.
Law of God: Summon a magic circle of light through the scriptures. Inscriptions of eternal light spin in the magic circle, dealing damage to enemies for 2 seconds.
Flash Slash: Advance slowly and slash your enemy 7 times.
Prefer a more defensive tank like strategy? The Gunlancer is the first line of defense to take the brunt of enemy attacks with a defensive stance and battlefield shield to keep the rest of his team safe. While the Gunlance is a formidable weapon, its true value comes from its ability to protect its allies and absorb damage like a sponge. A deadly sponge.
Gunlancer Abilities:
Charged Stinger: While in a defensive stance, focus energy and thrust your weapon in front of you. You can slowly change the direction of the attack while focusing the energy. The more you charge the attack, the greater the damage.
Leap Attack: Leap to the target location, dealing damage to hit the ground.
Hook Chain: Throw a long chain hook to deal damage, then pull that enemy towards you to deal more damage.
Guardian's Protection: After using the skill, recover 100% of your shield meter and drop a 10m radius aura of protection on the nearby area for 10 seconds. Enemies in the aura take damage and are stunned. Within the aura, you and your party take less damage and are immune to pushes and debuffs.
Fire Bullet: Inflict damage by shelling enemies at close range.
Stay tuned for more detailed information, news and updates on other Lost Ark classes as we move towards launch .
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