New World Best Great Ax Builds

We've brought together the best builds for the Great Ax, one of the New World's beloved weapons.

Although the Great Ax weapon is widely used now, it was a very popular weapon even when New World was still in open beta . This weapon can keep up with both PvP and PvE playstyles. Its high damage potential, crowd control capabilities, and distance closure have made it the favorite melee weapon of the vast majority of the New World player community right now . In this article, we will talk about how to make your New World Great Ax builds . The best masteries, active abilities and secondary weapons will be among the details we will give.


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New World Best Great Ax Tank Build

When playing New World, you may want to be a solid tank . This build takes you one step closer to immortality by aiming for durability. Select the Reap active ability from the Reaper tree , passively get Feed and Critical Gain . These two passive abilities will grant you the power to regenerate health . Since Great Ax is strengthened with its strength attribute , you should distribute your points based on strength . Finally , the armor you wear must be from the heavy armor category.

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
reapAttract enemies five meters away and deal 110% weapon damage.
  • Hunger: Reap heals for 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Fatal Attraction: After pulling an enemy, do a spin attack that deals 115% damage.
chargeInflict 120% damage by running 10 meters towards the enemy.
  • Frenzied Momentum: Charge deals more damage the further distance traveled.
MaelstormA spinning attack that pulls targets towards you. Inflicts 110% weapon damage.
  • Storm's Reach: Maelstorm can attract enemies from further away.
  • No Reprieve: Maelstorm does an extra spinning attack.

New World Best Damage Great Ax Build

Although used by Great Ax New World players as tank characters , you should not ignore the sheer damage potential of this weapon. The best way to implement this idea is to focus on the Mauler tree . The whole point of the build is to keep your opponents close to you and deal high damage when you hit your abilities . If you are more prone to hit and run style builds, you can try Rapier & Bow combinations.

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
reapAttract enemies five meters away and deal 110% weapon damage.
  • Hunger: Reap heals for 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Fatal Attraction: After pulling an enemy, do a spin attack that deals 115% damage.
WhirlwindPerform a spinning attack that deals 50% weapon damage to opponents. The more enemies you hit, the more you return.
  • Gustling Winds: The maximum number of revolving attacks becomes x7. Surrounden: Damage is increased by 30% if there are 3 or more enemies around.
MaelstormA spinning attack that pulls targets towards you. Inflicts 110% weapon damage.
  • Storm's Reach: Maelstorm can attract enemies from further away.
  • No Reprieve: Maelstorm does an extra spinning attack.

New World Great Ax and Bow Build

The Bow is one of the most popular ranged weapons in the New World . So it's normal for players to experiment with using themselves with the Great Ax . You can reduce the health bars of your opponents from afar while scattering in close combat. Since it's a damage build , you shouldn't expect to be a lot of tanks. You can also use the Bow with another two-handed weapon, the War Hammer .

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
reapAttract enemies five meters away and deal 110% weapon damage.
  • Hunger: Reap heals for 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Fatal Attraction: After pulling an enemy, do a spin attack that deals 115% damage.
WhirlwindPerform a spinning attack that deals 50% weapon damage to opponents. The more enemies you hit, the more you return.
  • Gustling Winds: The maximum number of revolving attacks becomes x7.
  • Surrounded: Damage is increased by 30% if there are 3 or more enemies around.
MaelstormA spinning attack that pulls targets towards you. Inflicts 110% weapon damage.
  • Storm's Reach: Maelstorm can attract enemies from further away.
  • No Reprieve: Maelstorm does an extra spinning attack.

Skill tree for Bow

You can count on the tree we used in the damage-focused Great Ax build . If you want, you can choose Charge ability instead of Whirwind for mobility . You can also replace the Maelstorm ability with Gravity Well . But you have to sacrifice a little of your crowd control effects.

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
Penetrating ShotFire an arrow that passes through targets dealing 115 % weapon damage.
  • Blood-Soaked Arrows: Increased damage after each hit. Deep Strike: Deals 20% extra damage to targets 20 meters or more away.
Evade ShotJump back and shoot an arrow.
  • Evasive Knockback: Evade Shot knocks the target back 2 meters.
  • Go the Distance: Evade Shot grants 15% movement speed for 5 seconds.
Poison ShotThe ability fires an arrow that creates a cloud of poison for 6 seconds in an area of ​​3 meters in diameter.
  • Infected Arrows: Deals 12% damage per second. (takes 20 seconds)
  • Direct Hit: Poison Shot's arrows deal 200% more weapon damage.

Penetrating Shot is a great ability to deal damage from the front. Poison Shot is one of the most used bow abilities in PvP . Poison damage inflicted on a large area can make your opponents "sick". Evade Shot exists to remove the movement restriction from the axe. It is used to avoid incoming attacks or to close a distance during PvP . We recommend using Strength attributes and choosing medium weight armors.


►  New World: Best PvP Builds


New World Great Ax and War Hammer Build

The extremely popular War Hammer & Great Ax duo in the New World open beta is here again. With the features provided by these two weapons, you can do a good job in both PvP and PvE areas. It can be good to get a little tanky when it comes to playing two-handed weapons. The main focus of the build is, of course, PvP . We guarantee that you will be dangerous in sieges and duels .

Great Ax skill tree

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
reapAttract enemies five meters away and deal 110% weapon damage.
  • Hunger: Reap heals for 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Fatal Attraction: After pulling an enemy, do a spin attack that deals 115% damage.
chargeInflict 120% damage by running 10 meters towards the enemy.
  • Frenzied Momentum: Charge deals more damage the further distance traveled.
Gravity WellCreate a circle that draws opponents to its center for 3 seconds.
  • Crowded Well: Deal 10% more damage to targets within the area.
  • Unyielding: Allied units gain 10% Fortify.

It's the tank-focused side of our Great Ax build . Apart from making you durable, it also allows you to subject your opponents to movement restrictions . If you think the Gravity Well skill is not suitable for your playing style, you can choose Maelstorm with peace of mind.

War Hammer skill tree

TalentEffectRequired Masteries
Armor BreakerUnleashes a powerful swing that pierces 35% of the target's armor and deals 140% weapon damage.
  • Lasting Trauma: Reduces the target's damage absorption by 15% for 10 seconds.
  • Opening Act: Increases Armor Breaker's damage by 15% against targets with full health.
Wrecking BallSlams the ground, dealing 120% weapon damage to targets within the area and knocking them down.
  • Safety Measures: Grants 20% Fortify for 4 seconds on hit.
  • Breathing Room: On hit, enemies within 1.5 meters will also fall to the ground.
Mighty GavelMakes an airborne leap attack. Ability deals 160% weapon damage.
  • Summary Judgment: Mighty Gavel deals 20% more damage to targets below 30% health.
  • Expedite: Grants 30% movement speed for 3 seconds after a successful attack.

For the New World Great Ax and War Hammer build, we recommend focusing on Strength and Constitution attributes . Let's say that you have to fight with heavy armor on armor. The attribute points we will give will strengthen both weapons, while the Constitution feature allows you to be more durable in battles.

That's it for the best Great Ax builds in New World . Among the builds, you can make the combination that you think best fits your play style. If you can't get the efficiency you want, you can work with other abilities and weapons. See you inanother New World guide .

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