TFT Set 6 Best Composition Recommendations

We have brought together the most popular and most powerful meta comps of TFT Set 6: Devices and Inventions for you.

TFT Set 6 has arrived but there are loads of Gadgets and Inventions for players to try and learn . It can take time to figure out what is a meta as there are so many combinations to fall into. Don't worry, today we will be talking about the best meta comp recommendations of TFT Set 6 . Before that, there are other things we want to talk about. Some team compositions we will give it depends almost entirely on the upgrades you get. If you come across improvements that won't work for you, the lineup you've created may not make you as strong an opponent as you think. However, we recommend that you analyze the situation and make choices according to the potential of your carriers. Apart from these, the compositions we will list do not care much about which enhancements you get. Let's take a look at all of them one by one.

TFT Set 6: Patch 11.23's Best Meta Comps

TFT's strongest comps change with each patch. The lineup that doesn't knock you out of the top 4 in this patch may lead you to 8th in the next patch. When building your team, you should make sure you pay attention to your economy. No matter how strong you are, the formations you go with force may be your end. You should focus on the moves you will make by constantly checking the stage you are in, your fair queue and your life.

TFT Set 6: Katarina Carrier Comp

If you are looking for a comp that you want to make every game in TFT Set 6, the Katarina carrier lineup is for you. Although it has been weakened in the new patch, it continues to maintain its strength with the new item build. The agile killer no longer trusts the mana.

The items you have to give him are certain. Other than these items, the others you put may be your end. You must give Katarina the Ionic Spark, Eternal Sword, and Hand of Justice. You can catch the mentality of not eating alone and throwing alone, only with this combination.

The remaining members of the composition should be such that they open 4 Academies, 4 Assassins. This is how you can increase Katarina's damage. When your level reaches 7, you can recruit Ekko or Shaco. Note that you can choose Akali and Braum instead of Garen or Blitzcrank. Akali is very flexible when it comes to transporting goods.

TFT Set 6 Komp: Inventor Flexible Array

The TFT Inventor lineup is a  composition you can refer to every game. Team dynamics only Inventor championslies to use. If you can open 3 Inventors in the 2-1 stage of the game, you can relax until the end of the game. As the game progresses, you will want to go up to 5 Inventors. If you gain the Inventor upgrade, you can take out Ezreal to give the team a breather. When support units like Janna and Taric take his place, he will provide enough strength to your team. This comp carrier champion candidates Fiora and Yone. Adding these two units to your board when your level is 8 can give you a huge burst of power. Jayce will do well with tank items on the front lines. If you want, you can specify your carrier as Jhin, Orianna or Lux. As we said, since it is a flexible line-up, play as you see fit.

TFT Set 6: Urgot Carrier Array

Urgot is one of the most comfortable carriers in Tactical Battles Set 6 . When your double shot feature is 2, it has the potential to handle it alone. He's good at smashing and passing tank units of opposing players. Although he appears as the second carrier in mutant comps  , he does well on his own when you pay a little attention. Runaan's Whirlwind becomes unstoppable with the Eternal Blade items. If you add the Giant Slayer on top of that, the high vital units don't stand a chance. You can also spawn a fighter next to it. Make it easier for you to place in the top 4 by adding Jinx to the team when your level is 7-8. When Mundo, Zac, and Vi are on the front lines, both team durability increases and the Sister feature is unlocked.

TFT Set 6: Mutant Malzahar Comp

Mortdog's favorite Malzahar is one of the inevitable characters to be strong in TFT Set 6. Call it a developer torpedo if you want, but with the Mutant feature, Malzahar is one of the best carriers in the game. It almost doesn't matter what mutant traits give you. Malzahar is really strong on his own. Add Mundo, Cho'Gath, Kog'Maw, and advanced Kai'Sa and you'll have a great team. You can also add Viktor to the lineup if you want. It's a powerful unit that will allow you to unlock the Magic Master feature. Feel free to give Malzahar a chance!

These were the strongest meta compositions of TFT Set 6 11.23 patch . You don't need to apply the given sequences verbatim. You can play as you want, you can take shape according to the course of the match and your opponents. After all, you are playing the Devices and Inventions set . You may not even know what kind of team you will come up with. See you for now!

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