Top 5 Support Champions in Wild Rift

Wild Rift has specific roles for the various Champions available in the game. Supports are role-owned champions who have a unique skill set aimed at helping their teammates.

Wild Rift is  pretty similar to the PC version of League of Legends , but Riot Games has made some major changes in terms of champions' strength. Most of Wild Rift 's in-game features are the same except for a few champions' abilities that have been modified to a certain degree. Unlike before, a support champion not only carries an entire game, some can inflict significant damage to opponents. The role of a support in the current version of Wild Rift is no less important than any other. In this article, we've listed some of Wild Rift 's top support champions for a player to choose from.

The Five Best Support Champion Picks You Can Make in Wild Rift

 Braum is one of the best support champions and plays an important role in minimizing damage against his ADC. His powerful shield stops any opposing projectile, making him one of the most tanky Wild Rift champions . Braum has this unique ability to advance towards an allied champion. This grants him and his ally bonus armor and magic resist for a limited time. Besides his support role in Wild Rift , this champion also has the ability to be a threat in lanes. This stuns enemies with his basic attacks and passive applied with his abilities, and deals bonus magic damage on four stacks. Braun is invaluable in both the laning phase and teamfights.
 Sona is a mage support champion with many unique abilities to help her team. Hymn of Valor is one of the most useful tools in its kit, as it sends sonic arrows at enemies, dealing magic damage to two nearby champions and monsters. Song of Celerity is another useful ability that grants nearby allies bonus movement speed. Sona's Area of ​​Perseverance also heals nearby injured allies. Crescendo is Sona's ultimate, which causes her opponent to dance to her own tune and deals decent damage. It is one of the best supports to choose from in Wild Rift .
 Alistar is the champion used as a tank in support roles in Wild Rift . Unbreakable Will is one of her most useful abilities, removing all crowd control effects on her and reasonably reducing her physical and magical damage effects. Trample and Headbutt are two of their unique crowd control abilities that effectively damage their opponents. Triumphant Roar is Alistar's most used ability, allowing him to heal both himself and nearby champions.
 Seraphine, who has a background as a female singer, is definitely among Wild Rift 's best supporting choices. A mage champion who uses High Notes to deal area of ​​effect damage. Surround Sound is one of her most effective abilities, providing a temporary shield to and healing nearby allies. His unique spells, Beat Drop and Encore, slow down enemies, allowing him to aid junglers every time they visit the lane for a gank.
 Blitzcrank is considered the best support choice for any well organized squad in Wild Rift . This steam golem is mainly used as a tank to support allies. Blitzcrank's ability, Overdrive, helps empower himself, allowing him to significantly increase his movement speed and attack density. Rocket Grab is another useful ability that deals serious damage to enemy lanes. Mana Barrier is a defensive passive that allows Blitzcrank to cover himself with a protective barrier when his health drops.

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