Valorant Episode 2, Act One Battle Pass Coming

There are only a few days left until the Second Episode, which the players are eagerly waiting for, and some details have emerged.

Developed by Riot Games , a first-person tactical shooter, Valorant Episode 1: Act Three ends on January 12. The new upcoming battle pass will likely cost the same as previous battle passes. Players who are satisfied with the first episode are very excited and curious for  Episode 2, which will start with the new update.

Recently, Valorant's likely 14th agent , " Yuru ", was leaked by Russian youtuber БАЧОК. The same youtuber recently leaked the Battle Pass rewards of Episode 2 , but there is no certain information about the accuracy of the news. 

Chapter 2 Battle Pass Level Rewards

Chapter 2 revealed the Act One battle pass, showing that it will have loads of new content for players to unlock.

The short video highlights the entire battle pass, showing what players will gain at each stage. Also, a new loading screen is showing for several characters, including Yoru on a helipad that appears on the Icebox map.

Players will be able to unlock several new comrades-in-arms that look like a salt and pepper shaker, a small giraffe, and a small insect with a knife. Later levels in Valorant will also feature a small red ornament, a samurai head, a small Icebox companion, and a throwing star.

A new green and gold-plated battle pass will be available for Bulldog , Specter , Guardian , and Phantom . Players will also be able to unlock graffiti-themed skins for Bucky , Shorty , Operator , and Odin .

The battle pass also includes new skins for Ghost , Judge , Ares , and the blade, which are yellow with green liquid on some parts of the weapon. Other cosmetic items such as player cards, titles, and sprays are available throughout the pass, and players can also earn Radianite points to upgrade their appearance.

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