Valorant Forsaken Weapon Skins Coming

Valorant Forsaken Weapon Skins Coming

Riot Games has introduced Valorant's new weapon skins. Check out our article for detailed information about the weapon collection, which was released in collaboration with content creators.

Riot Games has collaborated with various content creators to preview Valorant's new Forsaken weapon skins . Saying that Forsaken , which is in the high-end weapon skin class, was designed based on a specific theme, the developers underlined that the weapons have premium quality. So, what exactly is this theme and what does it tell?

As it is known, the main story of Valorant is based on agents, and each agent has an origin to which they belong. Radianite, collected by a malicious organization called the Kingdom , is a necessary element for the agents in the game to use their abilities. So, who will save the world of Valorant, which contains such a malicious organization ?


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Of course, the agents that are part of this thoughtful story are part of the Valorant Protocol team. The purpose of Valorant Protocol , which includes talented agents from each other , is to prevent this organization called the Kingdom from collecting Radianites to use it for their evil purposes. That's exactly what Forkasen weapon skins are designed for for this holy reason. Will the sword of justice prevail against the crows of evil? To test this and create your own story, you should definitely try the Forsaken collection.

Valorant Forsaken Weapon Skins

Premium quality Forsaken weapon skins are slightly more expensive than other collections, but as FOXNGAME  , we aim to ensure that every player has their in-game needs at the most affordable prices, so you can access all these weapons by purchasing a discounted Valorant VP on our site. The weapons featured in the promotion and designated for the Forsaken  collection are as follows. 


For each weapon skin you have to pay 1775 VP separately . If you want to buy all the weapon skins at once, you have to pay 7100 VP for the package price . Weapons that cost 8875 VP purchased separately will save you 1775 VP in the bulk pack. In addition, the premium quality of Forsaken weapon skins offers them special effects. You can also unlock these special weapon animations with Radianite Points .

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