The new ranked system implemented with the release of Valorant Episode 2 did not satisfy esports players. At the Ask Valoranteventon January 28Riot Gamesshed light on the content of theupcoming2.02 patch update , but also answered questions about two major concerns players have in the ranked system.
The developers acknowledged that they are facing an issue with the new ranked system where players rank up faster on their alternate accounts and have announced that there will be fixes to the issue in patch 2.01 .
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QUESTION 1: At the beginning of the episode, I can place in a much higher rank in my alternative accounts and rise much faster, but in my own account I am stuck at much lower tiers. So is the tier system working as expected?
We noticed this weird situation developing right after the patch was released, and we hope to fix it with Patch 2.01. In fact, it is now much more advantageous for players at higher tiers to play on their main account due to the shorter queue times. Also, they will gain tier points much faster as their MMR will be higher on their main account.
Also, in one of the upcoming patches we will increase the effect of tier clusters. In the previous season, players with Immortality or higher still with a high MMR will receive more tier points for wins and less tier points for losses than players with a lower MMR. Ultimately, they will rise faster on the leaderboard. The most effective way to climb to the top of the leaderboard is to be resourceful and have a high MMR. This will affect all levels. If you're stuck on Silver but your MMR indicates you should be Gold or Platinum, then you'll climb those tiers faster.
In the meantime, we're aware that not everyone is happy with the few competitive mode changes we've made recently in chapters and early chapters. At the beginning of the new chapter, we continue to work on placing players and enabling leaderboards in a short time. Before we begin Part 2, Part 2, we'll be here with an article explaining these regulations in detail.
- Senior Designer Jon Walker and Senior Producer Ian Fielding
The Valorant community has been waiting for a change to the hit system for a long time , and Riot Games has finally gotten their hands on it. The developers explained that they are currently working on balancing the shooting accuracy of weapons on the go. Earlier, they mentioned that they wanted to reduce the accuracy of weapons while running, but it was not clear what changes will be included in the latest version 2.02 patch .
QUESTION 2: Last month, you said you were working to reduce running accuracy. Is it possible for you to share your progress on this issue and how you will edit it?
Some of the changes we plan to introduce in Patch 2.02 will help round up the run-fire accuracy issue with rifles. There is an important point here. We don't want to change too many systems at once, because if we change shooting mechanics drastically, players will have to change their habits. As always, we will closely monitor changes and continue to adjust as necessary.
- Senior Designer Jon Walker and Senior Producer Ian Fielding
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