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Apex Legends Banned Over 2000 Players

Apex Legends Banned Over 2000 Players
More than 2000 Apex Legends players were banned for exploiting a recently discovered in-game vulnerability. Click to learn the details of the event.

With the advent of Season 11, many playersApex Legends ranked matches. While duo and trio modes are on in unranked games, most of the playersstruggle to reachApex PredatorHowever, since jumping the league is a tough job, players tried to reach their goals with another method. More than 2000player accounts have been bannedRPin ranked matches this way.


How Apex Legends Got Over 2000 Players Banned

A game vulnerability related to Respawn Beacons has recently surfaced in Apex Legends . This method allowed players to earn RP, or Ranked Points, in an easy way . To take advantage of this vulnerability , teams began to collaborate with each other. Teams that produced Respawn Beacons using the Replicator were constantly killing each other and respawning. In this way , it became possible to earn high amounts of points in a short time . As expected, the Apex Legends community drew attention to this event, causing the developers to say stop to players using the system. Respawn Entertainment, taking into account the word of the player baseemployee Connor Ford shared on Twitter that a total of 2051 players' accounts were suspended. He also explained that the reason for the punishment was the method we just mentioned. He did not spare his words to the players who used the method. Tell them, "Good game, play more honestly next time." said.

On top of the penalty given by the developers, Connor shared the information of how many players were banned on which platform. Of these account suspensions, 607 were on PC, 859 on PS4, 562 on Xbox One, and 22 on Nintendo Switch. In addition to the numbers, it was said that this penalty would be between 7-60 days, depending on the frequency of exploitation. No account has been subject to permanent suspension. It was stated that if it is done again, it will be of unlimited duration.

It may be interesting to observe the state of this situation in the coming days. It is gratifying that the developers of Apex Legends responded quickly. The game vulnerability is still usable. We are wondering together with the community whether others will try to do it on the thousands of banned players. 
► Click to buy discounted Apex Legends Coins: https://www.foxngame.com/apex-legends

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