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'Apex Legends' Could Bring Another Robot Character

'Apex Legends' Could Bring Another Robot Character
There is no rule that says they can't be more than two.

Rumors are currently rife with Apex Legends theories due to a mysterious tweet from the official Twitter account. The tweet contains a GIF referencing a simulacrum, a robot soldier from Respawn's other first-person shooter series Titanfall.

In the Titanfall universe, simulacrum or simulacra are robot soldiers equipped with human minds created by Hammond Robotics and Vinson Dynamics. These human minds were loaded into robot bodies that could be considered a form of transhumanism. Simulacra fits somewhere on the robotic spectrum between androids and cyborgs, and they have an element of a human mind that sets them apart from other mechanical beings. 

In the tweet, the GIF shows a model helmet and talks about a “Trail 7578.” It seems that three threads have been tried to be uploaded to this volume before, the last thread will be "hysterical" when an exact copy of them is shown.

In Titanfall canon, simulacra often adorns and customizes their robotic bodies with trinkets or clothing, leaving room for Respawn to create a number of interesting skins for the new robot character.

The Revenant is also considered a simulacrum, but it was specially created by Hammond Robotics as a killing machine, with the mindset of one of the greatest hitmen ever charged. When his programming failed, the Revenant swore to kill those who created him as a living nightmare.

This is also the factor Respawn has made a second reference to the Titanfall universe in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends season 5 will begin on May 12. Hopefully we'll see more of this new character before next season starts.


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