Apex Legends Director Talks About Skill Matching

Apex Legends Director Talks About Skill Matching
“We want new players to have the best experience, too,” said creative director Chad Grenier.
Recently, questions were asked about everything coming to Apex Legends with creative director Chad Grenier in light of EA Play 2020 . Many big events, such as a Switch release, cross-platform play, and upcoming in-game event, have come out of the event, and we cover them in more detail in the interview below. But developer Respawn Entertainment 's views on the state of skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) in the game are the highlight in this interview. To sum up, Grenier and his team emphasize that they feel great about where the game has come, including the implementation of SBMM. Fans and RespawnHe acknowledged that there was a hot topic in him and said they were aware of the feedback. "There's more than one side to the story. We're trying to evaluate all the data and try to do what's best for the game as a whole. It's really difficult because there are beginners or players with limited abilities and we want them to have a good experience," Grenier said.

Grenier continued, “We want them to get in the game, fight and kill, get some wins every now and then because if someone enters the game and tries Apex and pushes too hard, they won't continue playing the game. We're aware of the feedback from higher level players. OK, well skilled "The players have to play against other talented players and be competitive. We don't want them to crush the newbies in the whole process because then they'd have a bad experience for both sides, right? We're always trying to find that balance."

Grenier said Apex Legends has the highest number of players played per week, player retention and hours since launch, making Season 5: Fortune's Favor the most successful season to date. He said, "That tells me we have a healthy game. I understand that there will be some players who disagree about certain aspects of skill-based matchmaking. But if we look at it holistically, things are going really well. Grenier said that Respawn has always had player-backed players." "We are trying to keep all these competitive players happy while also trying to keep it."

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