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Apex Legends New War Games Event Arrives

Apex Legends New War Games Event Arrives
Developments continue on the Apex Legends front. With the newly included Apex Legends War Games event, you can try new game modes. Mods will be available for a limited time. Details are in the article.
The recently popular battle royale game Apex Legends has launched the War Games event. Introduced with a trailer released by the developer company, the event was included in the game as the dates showed April 13. Coming with many limited-time game modes , the War Games event also brings new cosmetic items for players . You can access cosmetic items through the Quest or by purchasing Apex Legends Coins .


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Apex Legends' New Event War Games

The War Games event, which started as of today, will allow you to try new game modes between certain dates and you will have a chance to win various cosmetic items and costumes. The most popular of the modes included in the limited-time game may come back to Apex Legends in the future, but this information is not certain. You can have general information about the event by watching the promotional trailer from the video below;

War Games Game Modes and Dates

♦ Second Chance Mode:  With the start of the event, Second Chance mode will give players a new respawn per match. If you die, the Respawn Token is activated to respawn at the point of death, keeping all your weapons and items on them. In this way, you can re-join the game after a certain period of time. This event mode will be available from April 13 to April 15 .

♦ Ultra Zones Mode: With the start of the event, there will be areas called Hot Zones on the map and you will also have the chance to find more Epic, Gold loot. When you stop inside the Hot Zones, your health will be restored, allowing you to return to the game. This event mode will be available from April 15 to April 19 .

♦ Auto Banners Mode: With the start of the event, when your teammates die, your friends' Banner Cards will be counted as received automatically. A mobile respawn device can be found in loot, except for respawn devices in certain regions to respawn your teammates. ThisThe event mode will be available from April 19 to April 21 .

♦ Killing Time Mode: With the start of the event, the damage areas begin to close quickly with each death during the Killing Time mode . If quick deaths are provided in the game, players should pay attention to these damage area closing times. Otherwise, you can die by staying outside the damage area. This event mode will be available from April 21 to April 23 .

♦ Armor Regen Mode: At the start of the event, players will have their armor refreshed at 12 per second after 8 seconds when they take damage and move away from their opponents. If a player fails to escape before their armor is broken and manages to escape after their armor is broken, the 8 second cooldown will be increased to 16 seconds. This event mode will be available from April 23 to April 27 .

Apart from all these game modes, new costumes will be added to the game based on the new War Games event of Apex Legends . The theme of upcoming skins for Bloodhound, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Gibraltar, Mirage, and Wraith is War GamesThe event will be themed. You can buy all these costumes from the in-game store for Apex Legends Coins . You can buy discounted Apex Legends Coins by clicking the link below.

► Click to buy discounted Apex Legends Coins now!


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