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Apex Legends Season 11: Escape Patch Notes

Apex Legends Season 11: Escape Patch Notes
Apex Legends Season 11 has released patch notes. Everything you want to know, from the new Legend Ash to the Storm Point map to the Ranked developments in Wattson balancing, is covered in detail in the article.

The Apex Legends Season 11 patch notes will be one of the biggest updates to the game. We think this is due to the simultaneous arrival of the fourth battle royale map and the new legend Ash. Although the map looks astonishing, it contains dangerous wildlife. Words are not enough for Ash, the new legend from Titanfall 2We will examine it separately in this article. Ash did not neglect to bring another TF2 item, the CAR SMG , with him . If you want, let's take a look at all the innovations and changes together.

Apex New Legend: Ash & Abilities


Apex Legends' new character, Ash, no longer has the weaknesses he used to have as a human. He continues to travel around the world, spreading death and taking lives. A familiar face but a new legend. Let's see what Ash's skills are.

♦ Passive: Marked for Death

Ash can see newly spawned deathboxes on his map and can take his opponents by surprise by marking one. (Once per box)

♦ Tactical: Ark Snare

Throw a trap that deals damage and slows it. Deals damage to nearby enemies.

♦ Ultimate: Phase Breach

Open a one-sided portal to where you want to go. It lasts for a short time and anyone can use it.

Apex Legends New Map: Storm Point

Although the new Apex Legends map Storm Point looks beautiful, it contains dangerous creatures. While the Legends fight each other and try to dominate the arena, they must also deal with the wildlife. At Storm Point, where there are areas that are much higher than the flat area, you may need to climb to the top to gain an advantage.


Battle Royale Map Rotation

With the arrival of Season 11, the Apex Legends map rotation is down to 2 again. One is a brand new map, Storm Point, and the other is the World's Edge we know and love. By putting Storm Point in rotation, the makers want players to get used to it and figure out the map.

Arena Map Rotation

In Season 11, battle royale maps will no longer be available for arena mode. In Arena mode, only "custom" maps will now be played.


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Apex Legends New Weapon: CAR SMG


If you fell in a dangerous place like Storm Point in Apex Legends , you need a dangerous, destructive and flexible weapon, the CAR SMG . You can use this weapon with both light bullets and heavy bullets. If you want to be the most dangerous thing on the island, you may want to carry the destruction in your hands.

The weapon's damage is 20 to the head, 13 to the body, and 10 to the joints.

Season 11 Ranked Improvements

Now the trace we left while skydiving will disappear faster. In this way, let's say that players will have a limited time to see who lands where. The percentage of playing ranked queues, on the other hand, seems to be that 40% of the player base is constantly playing. So with a little improvement like this, things will get even hotter.

Ranked Battle Royale Mode – Escape

In Apex Legends, the skill factor can arise in different areas. These areas can include aiming, mastery of legend, awareness, and positioning.

Earlier, RP gain was calculated by scores and ranking. Different rotations are now coming to the game to earn RP.

To summarize;

  • The score gained from the Dyed/Killed account will now also affect the rank of the people. If you have an Apex Predator at the top of your match and you're done, you can get a nice score.
  • Ranking is still the most important factor for getting the most points. The effect of the scores you get may have increased, but being a champion will affect your score more.

For example, if a Platinum player kills a Diamond player, that score will be counted as 12 instead of 10 points. If he finishes the match in first place, his score will increase even more.

  • The killed player will not be affected in this equation. Only the player who gets the score will have an increase in score. The deceased player will not lose any more points.
  • Apex Predator and Master rank players will be calculated on the equal scoring equation.
  • Even if your team has different players in terms of rank, the algorithm will calculate points fairly according to this diversity.
  • The maximum RP you can get from the scores is 175. You can think of this number as close to your score based on your order of finishing the match.

Apex Legends Season 11 Patch Notes: Rebalancing


  • Wattson's abilities will now react more quickly and give the player confidence.

  • Wattson can now also deploy his buildable abilities above eye level.
  • Overall, Wattson's hitbox has expanded. During the Legacy season, he had a habit of dodging bullets.


Tactical: Perimeter Defense

  • Damage dealt to enemies passing through the electric fence increased by 33%.
  • Slow duration increased by 100%. (1.5>3sec)
  • Time to take damage again by the fence increased from half a second to 1 second.
  • The ability's cooldown is now halved by 15 seconds.
  • Placement range increased by half.
  • Reduced the time it takes to disable and reactivate fences when passing through teammates. It activates faster now.
  • While placing the ability, Wattson can now run as fast as if he didn't have a gun.
  • New fences can now be placed as soon as the weapon is ready. Without having to wait for the animation to finish.

Ultimate: Interception Pylon

  • The number of active pylons that can be placed is no longer 3. It was reduced to one.
  • Now the duration of the pylon has become unlimited. (It stopped disappearing after 90 seconds.)
  • Pylon can now grant a maximum of 250 shields to allied players around it. Can no longer grant unlimited shields.
  • Increased the shield regeneration rate from the pylon by 150%.
  • Although the pylon shield does not provide a shield to the players when it runs out, it continues to block incoming ordnances.
  • If you take damage while regenerating a shield thanks to the pylon, the regen pauses for 1 second and then continues.
  • The amount of shields it can give is displayed on the screen.
  • Pinging also shows the amount. (Friendly pylon.)
  • Incoming ordnances are now neutralized when they hit something, not as soon as they arrive.
  • Bombs from airstrikes are now defused when they bounce off another surface and enter range.

Weapons and Gear

Supply Drop Rotation

  • This season, Triple-Take leaves the box with the G7 Scout. You can find Triple-Take on the battlefield. The G7 Scout comes in the box with a Double-Tap Trigger hop up.

Hop Ups

  • Dual Shell – Every cartridge loaded in the Mastiff and 30-30 Repeater is now loaded in pairs.

Full Kit Rotation

  • Added Mastiff, 30-30 Repeater, R-301, CAR and Longbow.
  • Removed Peacekeeper, Rampage, RE-45, Flatline, and Charge Rifle.


  • Rate of fire changed from 2.1 to 2.0.


  • The number of cartridges has been slightly increased.
  • Choke's charge time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds.
  • Choked shots should now be available for a slightly longer duration when exiting ADS.


  • Damage reduced from 60 to 55 now.


L-Star, one of the most powerful weapons of last season, is a little more balanced this season.

  • Barrel efficiency slightly lowered at all rarity levels.
  • The impact size of the shots has been greatly reduced.
  • Damage reduced from 18 to 17.


  • Damage increased from 34 to 36.
  • The Double Tap hop up comes pre-installed on the Supply Drop version.

Supply Drop Weapon Rates

  • Early game weapon ratio increased from 25% to 50%.
  • Weapon ratio in midgame increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Weapon ratio in late game increased from 75% to 100%.

Hot Zone Loot Rates

  • Increased gold loot rates in Hot Zones.


Increased the number of ammo obtained by crafting.

  • Light Ammo 20 → 60
  • Heavy Ammo 20 → 60
  • Energy Ammo 20 → 60
  • Shotgun Ammo 8 → 24
  • Arrows 16 → 48
  • Sniper 12 → 36
  • Price per weapon increased from 5 to 10.
  • Evo Armor points to 150.
  • Evo Armor point craft cost increased to 50.
  • The Sniper pack has been replaced with the shotgun pack.

Enemy NPC Changes

  • Prowler health increased from 90 to 114. Applies to Storm Point and World's Edge.
  • Prowlers in World's Edge and Flyers in Kings Canyon now provide EVO points


Supply Drop

  • It will fall during the narrowing of the first circle and will land 10 seconds early if possible.
  • Increased the spawn rate of purple weapons in the early rounds.
  • Supply Drops no longer contain the blue Havoc, Devotion, or gold RE-45.

Apex Legends Weapon Price Changes

  • moz

    • Blue 125 → 150
    • Purple 200 → 250

  • P2020
    • Blue 75 → 50
    • Purple 150 → 25

  • RE45
    • Base 200 → 150
    • White 150 → 100
    • Blue 250 → 200

  • Prowler
    • Base 500 → 400
    • Blue 300 → 350
    • Purple 400 → 350

  • R99
    • Base 500 → 450
    • Blue 250 → 300
    • Purple 300 → 350

  • hemlock
    • Base 500 → 450

Changes That Improve Quality of Life

  • UI - Teammates will now be visible if they are reviving themselves.

  • The legens of the players whose bullets are finished are saying lines because I am out of bullets.
  • Uploaded images to show Arena map rotations.
  • Social awareness badges are standard for all accounts.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused you to not see your friends who are only online on Steam and playing Apex Legends.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Caustic to place the trap in Seer's ultimate. This made the Seer ultimate invulnerable.
  • An update has arrived for the lucky charm of the Volt weapon. Lucky charms will now be more prominent on weapons.
  • Fixed a bug where players would lose Boosted Loader extra ammo.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to go directly to the dropship stage without seeing the legend selection screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused music to play in the middle of the match.
  • Fixed an indicator error showing Legendary Prowler using shotgun on death screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused lines to overlap.
  • Fixed Vending Machines not making sound.
  • Fixed a bug that caused non-Crossplay Steam players to appear on the screen.
  • Fixed random flying stone bug in World's Edge map. 😊
  • Fixed a bug that allowed downed players to jump after canceling the finisher.
  • The bug that caused the players' names to disappear in the Legend selection screen has been fixed.
  • Reduced the hitbox of Crafting Material Canisters to better fit the shape.

Season 11 Patch Notes: Legend Bug Fixes


  • Rampart's "No Mercy" finisher bug that caused him to go through walls will no longer be in Apex Legends season 11.


  • Fixed the ult not disarming incoming bombs.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed "Zipline" to be set up at a longer distance than required.


  • Fixed a bug where the ult duration would not decrease even though he was using a gold helmet.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to "bunny hop" at full speed when using the passive.

That's it for the Apex Legends Season 11 patch notes . This season, the new legend Ash is coming to officially take the battle royale by storm. Storm Point map is in front of the players with its dangerous atmosphere. Gamers looking for a new toy can now also enjoy the CAR SMG. See you in another article!

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