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Apex Legends Season 9 Start Date

Apex Legends Season 9 Start Date
It has been almost 3 months since the 8th season of Apex Legends and we are approaching the new season. In this article, you can see information about the season 9 start date in Apex Legends. Details are in the article.
A new War Games event was included in the game recently for Apex Legends . With this event, many new game modes have been added to the game. Game modes were presented to the players with a limited time between certain dates. Among those included in the game with the season 8 of Apex Legends ' Mayhem is the new character, Fuse . In addition, a new ruined-looking arrangement of Kings Canyon was also included in the game. A certain amount of time has passed since the new season of Apex Legends, and now the preparations for the next season have begun. Season 8, which started on February 2, will end very soon on May 4, and the first step for season 9 will be taken.

If you haven't completed your season missions yet, you must complete them by May 4th. At the end of the season, these missions will no longer be accessible and will be considered unsuccessful. With the start of Season 9, new season missions will be included in the game and you will have the opportunity to earn new costumes and in-game items by continuing these missions.


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►  Apex Legends New War Games Event Arrives

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Apex Legends Season 9 Start Date

In Apex Legends , quests were introduced for many costumes and cosmetic items that players can earn for season 8. Players who complete these missions can claim the many rewards offered and will have until May 4th to do so. So when will season 9 start in Apex Legends ? Considering that Season 8 will end on May 4, it seems that season 9 will start close to May 4th. A definite start date has not been officially announced yet, but we estimate that the new season will start soon after the end of the season.

Season 7 of Apex Legends was released on November 4th. Season 8 opened on February 2nd. Based on these data, we can easily state that the 9th season of Apex Legends will start on May 4 in a scenario where a 3-month season period is completed. Of course, this information is not certain, we will provide updates when information is received from official sources.

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