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Apex Legends Wargames Event and Details

Apex Legends Wargames Event and Details
Leaks have surfaced for the upcoming Apex Legends Wargames event. Details about the event were among the leaked news. No official statement regarding the event has been provided yet. Details are in the article.
There are some leaks on social media and community pages about Apex Legends ' new Wargames event. According to leading information leaker Shrugtal, Apex Legends will host three more events after Chaos Theory . These activities; It's expected to be the Chinatown Market Sale, Wargames , and Golden Week  . It may be too early to state exactly what the events will include, but they will likely include new LTMs with reward trackers and skin packs that players can purchase with Apex Coins . Estimated Season 8 of Wargames eventIt is expected to take place before the end of , between 13-27 April 2021 . Of course, there is no certainty about this date, as no official announcement has been made yet. So let's just say in advance that any developments you will see before or after April 13 should not surprise you.

Apex Legends , which has become a very popular battle royale game since its release, undoubtedly owes its success to the regular updates, events and tournaments it brings. The developer company Respawn , which always takes into account the wishes of the players, brought a new Switch version to Apex Legends , upon the intense request of Nintendo Switch users.. Thanks to the Switch version brought, the players had the opportunity to play the game on different platforms and consoles, and therefore the player base of the game increased. Unfortunately, the players who expressed their joy for a short time were not very satisfied with the graphics of the Switch console and expressed their complaints due to the lower resolution of the graphics and FPS problems.

Apex Legends Wargames Event Possible Rewards 

The Wargames event , which is expected to be held before entering May, is expected to include content such as special cosmetic items, new game mode or modes. There will also be 5 different levels with Battle Pass missions within the event , and completing each level will give players a new reward . You can see the possible rewards in the list below;
  • 5 Battle Pass Levels
  • 2 Weapon Charms: Never Surrender and Thermite Grenade weapon charms
  • Epic Rampart Skin: Cytokinetic
  • Epic 30-30 Repeater Weapon Skin: Incan Prophecy
  • Rare Crypto Skin: Broken Syntax
  • Caustic Counter

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►  Mass Effect N7 Weapon Charm Could Coming to Apex Legends

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Apex Legends Wargames Event Possible Game Modes 

You will have the opportunity to try 6 different game modes in the Wargames event , which will continue for two weeks . Each mode will last for 48 hours and a new game mode will be switched every 48 hours . You can see general information about these game modes from the list below;

  • Killing Time Mode : Round times will be shortened with mass elimination.
  • Flare Up Mode : Ring Flares will spawn in groups for a short time each round.
  • Armed Drop Mode : When you start the game, you will set foot on the map equipped.
  • Armor Regen Mod : Shields will automatically regenerate if you don't take damage for a certain period of time.
  • Auto Banners Mode : Banner Cards belonging to your teammates will be obtained automatically. The loot will contain a mobile respawn device.
  • Second Chance Mode : Players will respawn near the point where they die for a one-time only after their first death in each match played in this mode.

Costume Details of Upcoming Events

Every costume mentioned here will be of Legendary quality, so be sure to attend the event to get them.

♦ Costumes for the Wargames Event:

  • Queen's Guardian l Wraith
  • Guerrilla Ghoul l Revenant 
  • Ghost Hunter l Lifeline
  • Blood and Thunder l Gibraltar
  • Royal Huntmaster l Bloodhound
  • Burgundy Knight l Pathfinder
  • Swish - buckler l Mirage
  • Pearl White l Fuse

♦ Appearances for Chinatown Market Sale Event

  • Sundown Desparado l Bloodhound
  • Ringside l Wraith
  • Night Navigator l Mirage
  • Microphone Control l Lifeline 

♦ Skin Skins for Golden Week

  • Shadow of the Oni l Octane
  • Royal Livery l Bloodhound

For now, these are all the leaks we know about the Wargames event, but we expect more to be revealed as we get closer to its release. All we have to do is wait and see, as the information obtained from the leaks has not yet been officially released and there is no definitive way to confirm this.

►  Click to buy Apex Legends Coins now!


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