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Aphelios Coming - Champion Intro

Aphelios Coming - Champion Intro
Aphelios champion promotion and cheap LoL RP on foxngame!
Good news for League of Legends lovers, the new champion Aphelios is coming very soon, and you can buy this new champion with discounted lol rp from our site and buy the costume package for a more affordable price and start the game right away.

The silent and determined Lunari warrior Aphelios hears the voice of his sister Alune as he drinks poison. The powerful Weapon of the Faith made of Alune moonstone helps her brother to destroy his enemies. As a high-strategy shooter with an enormous arsenal, Aphelios will take the game far beyond what you know. Patience is the key to mastering the Weapon of the Faith! 

Aphelioshas access to five weapons, each with different passive and active abilities. Long-range rifle Calibrum, scythe pistol Severum, gravity cannon Gravitum, flamethrower Infernum and charam Crescendum. Two weapons can be equipped at once, a primary weapon and a secondary weapon. Each weapon has limited ammo that can be used with basic attacks and active abilities. When the front of a weapon is finished, the next weapon is passed and the weapon that runs out of ammo is sent to the end of the queue. Aphelios's specially designed user interface displays the currently equipped weapons, the remaining ammo and the active features of the weapons. Uses W to switch between primary and secondary weapons. The interface also displays the weapon Alune will dispatch when a weapon runs out of ammo. Review your weapons and ammo before entering the fight. So you can use the best combo in any situation.

For more details, you can view the full champion trailer in the video below;

Click to buy discounted LoL RP now!

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