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Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Announcement and Terms of Participation

Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Announcement and Terms of Participation
Before releasing Battlefield 2042, EA has announced that it plans to launch an open beta where players can see the game's content. As we approached October 23, the increasing excitement was multiplied by the opportunity to look at the game a little earlier.

DICE and EA will release an open beta for Battlefield 2042 , as do all companies that develop and publish multiplayer games . Even though the game hasn't been fixed yet (so there may be system bugs and server problems), players can largely understand what they're going to encounter from the beta version. With many new features such as Portal Mode , EA, who is planning to make a game with a thud, so to speak, wants to give its players a little bit of enjoyment of this "legendary" game beforehand. No exact date has been given for the open beta yet, but we know it will arrive in September.


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Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Participation Terms


According to the terms of participation published on EA's site, you must have an EA account or have pre-ordered the game to participate in the Battlefield 2042 open beta . The beta version is limited to users aged 18 and over, and unfortunately, your application does not mean your access to the open beta version.

Battlefield 2042 pre-order prices:

  • PC (Steam) - 419.00 TL
  • Xbox One - 499.99 TL
  • Xbox Series - 559.00 TL
  • PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5- 500.00 TL 

Click to Buy Discount Battlefield 2042!


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