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Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Dates

Battlefield 2042 Open Beta Dates
When is Battlefield 2042 open beta coming out? How to sign up for the Battlefield 2042 open beta? Everything you need to know about the latest game in the Battlefield series, produced in collaboration with EA and DICE, is in the article.

Battlefield 2042 Current Open Beta Early Access 

Battlefield 2042 open beta early access date is set for September 22. The developers have confirmed that those who pre-order the game will be able to play first, if you pre-ordered the game you'll likely get early access to the closed beta a few days before the open beta starts. The game will be available on multi-platform rather than just a next-gen version. Players will find copies available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

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Battlefield 2042 was officially introduced as the sixth game in the series, with a trailer released on June 9th. At Microsoft's Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase at the E3 2021 conference held in recent weeks, the game's futuristic weapons of war, real-time devastating weather conditions such as tornadoes and sandstorms, and massive maps supporting 128 simultaneous players; It was published in the gameplay video, albeit briefly, as an indication of what awaits players. EA and DICE aim to introduce Battlefield 2042 , which uses the latest PC and console hardware and aims to offer a completely different experience to players with its unique game features , on October 22, 2021.


►  Battlefield 2042 System Requirements


How to Sign Up for the Battlefield 2042 Open Beta

About the Battlefield 2042 open beta  , EA announced on its website, " Yes, in the months before launch, we will host an Open Beta accessible to all players on all platforms. " Open beta access for previous Battlefield games was tied to pre-orders. If you pre-order any of the three versions of Battlefield 2042 , you'll get free early access to the open beta . Many betas are limited to certain platforms these days, but that's not the case for Battlefield 2042. All platforms will have simultaneous access. In addition, the publisher company has announced an EA Play Live that can reveal all the details on July 22.organizes the event .

Battlefield 2042 is scheduled to be released for PC, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, PS4, and Xbox One with cross-play support.

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