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Battlefield 6 and its Mobile Game Coming

Battlefield 6 and its Mobile Game Coming
EA announced in a statement that its resources were pooled for the development of Battlefield 6. Likewise, work has begun on a new Battlefield mobile game. Details are in the article.
Good developments continue to occur on the Electronic Arts front. Announcing that Battlefield 6 will be released for this year, the company also managed to surprise everyone with a surprise news. Announcing that Battlefield 6 will come to PC and consoles in a post it published , EA announced that it is also working on a Battlefield mobile game separately . No exact date has yet been specified for the release, which is planned to arrive on mobile devices in 2021.


►  Apex Legends' Mobile Game Is Coming


Battlefield 6 and Mobile Game Development

Surprising the Battlefield fan community with two different news, EA recently announced that it will release a mobile version for Apex Legends . While the company's sudden turn towards mobile games surprised everyone, many game development companies united under the umbrella of Electronic Arts were also mobilized in this regard. After this arrangement, the combined workforce aims to eliminate the difficulty of working remotely in today's pandemic environment. Gathering more labor than necessary, of course, may have several negative consequences, such as an increase in game costs, so that it is very important that the players are not affected by any negative results.

In EA's statement, it is stated that the required workforce is provided and Battlefield 6 will come for console and PC. It is not yet known whether these consoles will include the next generation consoles. Since there is no clarity yet, we cannot comment on this at the moment. We'll also have to wait, as there's no definitive release date for the Battlefield mobile game , and there isn't much information about the game yet. EA will make an announcement when the games are ready, which will officially provide us with a date or details. All we have to do is wait patiently. If you don't already own Battlefield 5 during this wait , buy Battlefield 5 at a discount on our site.You can play and kill time until Battlefield 6 comes out.

►  Click to buy Battlefield 5 at a discount now!


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