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Battlefield Portal as a Gateway to the Past

Battlefield Portal as a Gateway to the Past
Battlefield 2042 Portal mode will offer access to many old-school maps. Players will be able to design their own games and open them to the public.

In our previous article, we mentioned that a third mode of Battlefield 2042 will be released, so that players can regain access to the maps they previously played and liked. On July 22, DICE introduced Battlefield Portal . Announced during the EA Play stream, this mod is actually a game creation/editing tool where players can use maps, levels, vehicles and weapons from previous games.

 What Games Will Portal Mode Include?

Players will be able to use maps, weapons and properties from Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 2042 . The absence of Battlefield 1, 4, and 5 may disappoint some players, but we think that this gap will be closed, especially with the revised high-quality maps for 1942.

Included maps

  • Battlefield 1942
    Battle of the Bulge
    El Alamein
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    Arica Harbor
  1. Battlefield 3
    Caspian Border
    Noshahr Canals
  2. Battlefield 2042


►  3 Classic Maps We Want to See in Battlefield 2042


How Will Portal Mode Work?

Battlefield Portal mode is pre-programmed; Includes remasters of previous titles, including conquest, rush, and team deathmatches. All maps, including the classics, will be playable for up to 128 players on PC, Xbox Series consoles and PlayStation 5. Battlefield 2042 's main mode, Warfare, will be limited to 64 players on older generation systems. Along with updated old-school maps,more than 40 weapons and vehicles will be available in Battlefield Portal mode, and more than 30 devices that can be used throughout the game. Among the gadgets and weapons we will see again in this game are M1 Garand, Panzerschreck, B17 Bomber, Spitfire, defibrillator.


All these developments will be collected in Battlefield Portal 's "Builder" tool. In the Builder, players will be able to design their own matches and make them public. They will be able to change many settings, even the logic of the game. Players will be able to control almost everything in their edited games. Apart from mods and maps, they will be able to edit areas, weapons and equipment, the way the game is played and the conditions of victory.

Is Battlefield Portal Paid?

We anticipate that the portal mode will be released as part of Battlefield 2042 and at no extra.

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