Best Agents to Match Gekko in Valorant

Best Agents to Match Gekko in Valorant
The newest agent we can play in Valorant is Gekko, the LA-based scout who uses his creature collection as his abilities.

A new agent in Valorant is fun, but the real fun comes from finding the perfect combinations to match them. The newest agent we can play in Valorant is Gekko , the LA-based scout who uses his creature collection as his abilities .

There are also many interesting abilities in Gekko's skill set: C/ Fluffy Field after landing spreads over a large area and explodes after a short delay. E/Confused throws a plasma that blinds enemies. Q/Bloodbird can be sent forward to shake the first enemy it sees, or alternatively set up or disable the spike. Finally, his ultimate, X/Bully, dashes forward, briefly holding back enemies.

Agent Combinations You Can Play with Gekko

Gekko is quite good at creating space for himself and his teammates, deterring enemy aggression and pushing the opponent away during retakes or executions. Compared to another agent, Breach is probably the closest to Gekko's abilities, as they can both use blinds, stuns, and damage to gain control of the map.

So what are the best Valorant agents to align with Gekko? While agent comps are pretty significantly map dependent, here are some must-have agents for any Gekko-working comp.


►  Best Valorant Agents to Play Against Gekko


A smoker like Brimstone or Omen


Most compositions on any map need an agent with the smoke ability, but Gekko's Confused, Bumblebee, and Tyrant will be reactivated shortly after they've been cast, increasing the importance of the smoke skill. Being able to protect Gekko while effectively reloading his abilities for free means a team can maximize his area clearing prowess.



Gekko's C/Fluffy Field is very similar to Viper's Acid Pool ability. Having both Gekko and Viper on the same team will give the team a huge advantage in case of spikes or destroys.



The information Cypher can obtain with his abilities fits best with Gekko. The Gekko can combine the information Cypher collects with Booby Trap and Hidden Camera with skills to blind, damage, stun, or withhold.



Having an agent who can play the aggressive entry means Gekko doesn't have to be in the foreground; That's what you want for a character with so many offensive benefits.

On the attacking side, Gekko can use his special ability Confused to reveal and blind the enemy. Then Jett can take advantage of the opportunity to kill that player for an easier entry. A similar tactic could work on the defensive side of Valorant's matches. This can be especially handy if Jett decides to use the operator aggressively and wants to get away with multiple kills.



Skye aims to increase Gekko's influence. On attacking maps like Haven and Lotus, this duo can wreak a lot of damage with their abilities and can easily give duelists room for multiple kills.

For example, in the attacking half, when Gekko uses Confused to reveal and blind the enemy, Skye can use the Guide Light to blind the enemy even more.

Other teammates can then easily clear the area by killing their blind enemies and playing post-spike without any worries. There can be a wonderful combination of benefits between the Agent's ultimate abilities, the Scouts and the Violent.



Like Skye, Breach will help Gekko's abilities have maximum effect. The Fault Line alone can create many openings for Gekko's skills to be useful. Dazzle can also be used to double down on the enemy that spawns on the site.

Gekko and Breach together can be extremely helpful for post-plant situations as well. Breach can use Aftershock to neutralize enemies, while Gekko's Fluffy Field can be of great help.

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TAGS: VALORANT VP SATIN AL indirimli valorant vp satın al valorant vp Valorant Cypher Valorant Brimstone Valorant Omen Valorant Viper en uygun Valorant VP satın al valorant jett indirimli valorant vp valorant en iyi ajanlar ucuz valorant vp valorant vp al valorant en iyi ajan Valorant Valorant Breach Valorant en iyi ajanları Valorant vp satın al indirimli valorant vp al ucuz valorant vp al valorant Skye Valorant gekko Valorant gekko yetenekleri Valorant gekko yetenek seti Valorant gekko nereli Valorant gekko skills Valorant gekkoya karşı oynanacak en iyi ajanlar Valorant'ta Gekko'ya Karşı Koymak İçin En İyi Ajanlar valorant gekko ile en iyi ajanlar valorant gekko ile oynanacak ajanlar Valorant’ta Gekko ile Eşleşecek En İyi Ajanlar Valorant Gekko ile Eşleşecek En İyi Ajanlar Valorant Gekko ile Oynayabileceğiniz Ajan Kombinasyonları Valorant Brimstone vs gekko Valorant Brimstone ve gekko Valorant Omen ve gekko Valorant Omen vs gekko Valorant Viper vs gekko Valorant Viper ve gekko Valorant Cypher ve gekko Valorant Cypher vs gekko Valorant Jett gekko Valorant Jett ve gekko Valorant Jett vs gekko Valorant Skye gekko Valorant Skye ve gekko Valorant Skye vs gekko Valorant Breach ve gekko Valorant Breach vs gekko Valorant Breach gekko valorant gekko ile en iyi ajanlar valorant gekko ile oynanacak ajanlar Valorant’ta Gekko ile Eşleşecek En İyi Ajanlar Valorant Gekko ile Eşleşecek En İyi Ajanlar Valorant Gekko ile Oynayabileceğiniz Ajan Kombinasyonları Valorant Brimstone vs gekko

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