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Best Deadlock Lineups on Lotus Map

Best Deadlock Lineups on Lotus Map
Deadlock, Valorant's 22nd agent, is introduced as a scout from Norway. Players have had exciting experiences with the new character so far; they are now trying to find the most suitable way to play on each map.

Deadlock, Valorant's 22nd agent , is introduced as a scout from Norway. Players have had exciting experiences with the new character so far; they are now trying to find the most suitable way to play on each map.

Since zones B and C are relatively narrow on the Lotus map, Deadlock is thought to have the potential for success in this map. With the right tactics and the right strategy, Lotus can reveal its best performance on the map.

The Deadlock's signature ability, Barrier Net (E), can be used every turn. This is one of the strongest features of the agent and an essential element for players playing the sentinel role. Enemies must spend a lot of bullets or take a long cooldown to destroy the barrier, making the character extremely powerful in retake scenarios.

►  Top 5 Agents to Match Deadlock in Valorant

Deadlock's Lineups on the Lotus Map

♦ Barrier Network (E)


The Barrier Net can be used effectively during the attack by cutting off key gateway points. It can also give his team time to set up good post-spike angles.

A TopA Link C Hall


The Barrier Net, when well placed, can stall the momentum of the attack. This can allow defenders to reposition within the area or coordinate to squeeze attackers from various angles.

A Tree B Main C Hand

♦ Sonic Sensor (Q)

Sonic Sensor is a powerful capability when situations are right. This ability has tremendous potential and can stun many enemies caught in its area of ​​effect. Alternatively, he can give Deadlock enough time to reposition and wait for his team to initiate a strong retake.

A MainA TreeB Site
B MainC HandC Site

♦ NanoShoot (C)

While NanoShoot may seem underpowered in some situations, it's still a skill that can have a significant impact in certain circumstances and can instantly change the pace of the round. In terms of a game character, this feature of Deadlock makes it notable and can provide a strategic advantage for players.

A Root A Drop

Clever (X)

Deadlock's ultimate ability, Grapple, is one of the most visually pleasing abilities in Valorant. His powerful SFX and high impact make him one of the coolest abilities on the tour. It can also be saved for post-spike situations when things go bad.

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