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Best Valorant Agents for Beginners | 2023

Best Valorant Agents for Beginners | 2023
Valorant has a diverse list of agents that require little effort for new players.

Valorant revolves around characters known as agents. There are a total of 21 agents in the game, including the recently released Gekko,and each has its own unique skill set. Depending on the nature of these abilities, each agent is classified into specific roles.


They are frontline attackers, their main job being to make room for their team, and in return they are often the first to die. Most duelists have some form of regeneration or field competitive abilities that allow them to maximize their damage output and keep disintegrating.

  1. Phoenix
  2. Reyna
  3. Jett
  4. Raze
  5. comment
  6. Neon


It is the agent class that focuses primarily on gathering information . On the attacking side, it can reveal the location of enemies; On the defensive side, he can find out where the enemies are about to attack and call his teammates for help.

  1. Breach
  2. sova
  3. skye
  4. LO/O
  5. fade
  6. gekko

Control Specialist

They are agents who specialize in cutting vision and controlling angles. They can block the advantageous positions of the defending opponents and easily enter the site by forming their own team. They also have supporting abilities that help teammates take control of a site, or the ability to slow down an enemy's attack.

  1. omen
  2. viper
  3. Brimstone
  4. astra
  5. harbor


These are the Valorant agent class that focuses primarily on defense . Their kits can be used to deflect enemy attackers through walls, slow areas, trap wires, etc. They can repel them with abilities. Also, a scout can take on good map control, another important aspect of the game. His abilities are specifically designed to defend against map control.

  1. sage
  2. cypher
  3. killjoy
  4. chamber


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Advice for New Players | Top Valorant Agents 2023



Standing out among the dueling agents, Phoenix has a very useful kit.

Q/Falso is a flash that's hard to get over. This makes it easier for the team to enter areas, while also making it suitable for avoiding enemy attacks. E/Dodgeball, clearing critical positions in the attack; in defense it is useful for keeping the enemy away.

It can also be used as a self-healing ability that works after duels.

In addition to providing temporary protection, the C/Firewall ability can divide an area, making it easier to clear one angle at a time. It also doubles as a self-healing ability. His ultimate, Indirect, is one of the best attacking ultimates in the game, as it gives Phoenix an extra life and allows him to easily enter a site without any worries.

With Phoenix's flash, smoke/wall, and self-healing abilities, as well as his versatile ultimate, he 's considered Valorant's best, most balanced duelist .



Lead agent Sova's abilities are focused on gathering information. The E/Discovery Arrow ability is extremely powerful at gathering information. It can be used multiple times in a game and is free as it is on cooldown.

The Q/Shock Bolt is also very useful in dealing damage to enemy attacks and clearing angles. The C/Owl Drone is also very useful in reconnaissance and information gathering. It can be used to explore an area to know where the enemy is before launching an attack. His ultimate ability, Hunter's Fury, is extremely powerful, it can prevent enemies from competing in an area. For all these reasons, Sova is considered one of the best agents.



Brimstone is a simple yet effective agent in the Control Specialist class. E/Smoky Airspace blocks the enemy's view for a short time. Another advantage of Smokes is that there are 3 pieces and they can use all 3 of them at the same time when necessary. The C/Mark of Strength mark increases the team's rate of fire, giving them an advantage in gunfights.

X/Satellite Assault is a very powerful ultimate in the game. Brimstone is a sensible agent if players new to Valorant want strong map control . It is mainly used to clear well-defended areas during attack, and in defense to block spikes and clear angles during retake.



Sage is one of the most popular agents in the game. His ability C/Barrier Orb can build walls to hold entrances on the defending side. On the attacking side, he can also wall off critical siege points to protect his team and prevent retake. In either case, the team will have enough time until the wall is broken.

Q/Slow Orb can be used to slow the enemy's aggressive movements.

The E/Health Orb ability can heal allies and himself, which gives his team a lot of support. His ultimate ability is X/Resurrection, which can revive a dead ally with full health. This ability can easily turn the tide of a match with a point advantage.

For a beginner Valorant player, we think Sage is an indispensable agent because of the defense and continuity he can provide to the team.



Killjoy is a scout agent and has very strong defensive abilities. E/Turret is used to control a large area, provides map control. The Q/Alarm Bot is extremely useful in detecting the enemy's presence and making them vulnerable. It can also be used on the attacking side to protect your team from enemy flanks.

The C/Nanosurge ability is also a very powerful defensive ability, as it does a lot of damage to deter or even kill enemy attackers. On the attacking side, this ability can be used to clear cheeky positions and can also be used in post-spiking situations to prevent the defensive team from neutralizing dunks with the help of simple lineups.

Overall it is an easy to learn agent and ideal for   beginner Valorant players .

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