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Call of Duty Modern Warfare Cheaters to Match Together

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Cheaters to Match Together
Infinity Ward is working hard to clean up the cheaters, details are in the article.
Infinity Ward has provided an anti-cheat update for Warzone, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 's battle royale mode. From now on, Modern Warfare and Warzone players who report potential cheaters will receive an in-game notification to let them know that the offending player has been banned. Additionally, Infinity Ward has released "additional special security updates" to both games, while matching suspicious cheats have been updated to match each other. In addition, Infinity Ward is allocating more resources to its teams to get rid of cheaters.

Looking further, Infinity Wardsaid that the promised in-game "player report" feature will be coming soon. This is planned to be accessible from killcam and spectat mods.

Players have loudly voiced their concerns about the state of Modern Warfare and Warzone regarding cheating, but it's too soon to say whether these new measures will be effective. Another issue is that Modern Warfare and Warzone have cross-play support between console and PC . Historically , PC has tended to be where most of the cheating happens, as the nature of the platform has been more open than consoles. Some players on console have chosen to turn off crossplay to help with issues, and you can do this easily from in-game settings.

Infinity Ward has already banned over 70,000 cheaters from Warzone, and that figure doesn't include any bans for standard Modern Warfare. Infinity Ward. "We're watching. We have zero tolerance for cheaters," he said. Activision 's latest sales figures show that Warzone has attracted around 50 million players, so it's statistically significant that there are some malicious players. For comparison in the battle royale space, Apex Legends developer Respawn announced in March 2019 that it has banned over 350,000 players, a number that has definitely grown since then.

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