Crime City Nightmare and Phoenix Skins are in the LoL Meta in New Patch!

In the update cycle of League of Legends, the turn came to 11.17. The new 11.17 patch features the long-awaited Viego nerf, as well as Lucian and Amumu changes, and new Crime City Nightmare and Phoenix skins.
The new League of Legends 11.17 patch will be a bit more "solo-focused" and "with superficial buffs and debuffs," developer Jeevun Sidhu says. One of the main reasons for this is that while some teams take a season break, some teams will start training for LoL Worlds. This short hiatus will help Riot Games focus on progress and characters in the game's ranked matches. The hitherto delayed “Fleet Footwork” buff will also be included in this patch. We're also expecting a set of costumes to arrive. He will receive Phoenix skins for three Champions and “Crime City Nightmare” skins for five .
LoL 11.17 Patch Details
The next update for League of Legends Season 11, 11.17, is expected to be released on August 25 . For Oceania servers, this update will be released at 10:00 AM. We are waiting for this patch to arrive at 5 am with TSI. It should not be forgotten that, as a usual situation, there may be a few hours of downtime when the update arrives.
- Viego's Nerf : Since its release in the 11.12 update, it can be said that the Ruined King has divided LoL players into two. Despite having a 13.63 percent preference rate among players, the fact that Viego was an overpowered character was upsetting the players. Now, at last, there will be an adjustment to his abilities. In the new 11.17 patch, the Champion is expected to be greatly weakened in health recharge, Q and E, and more.
- Lucian's Retreat to Lower Lane : Lucian became an increasingly popular Champion after the last update shared with players on August 10. However, after players recently started using Lucian as a mid laner, Riot Games announced on Twitter that some adjustments will be made to bring him back into the bottom lane. We will be able to see these adjustments in the 11.17 update.
- Adjustments to Amumu's Q :Amumu's jungle performance in Season 11 was absolutely dull. He had the lowest win rate among other jungle champions at Platinum level. Now, he will be given the buff he "deserves" and he will regain his old performance.
- Akshan's Nerfing :Although not all abilities of the newest Champion Akshan, who came out in the new season, were overpowered, the players did not particularly like the resurrection mechanic. A fix will now be made to the ability of the Lordless Guardian to resurrect their allies. However, other features will be buffed, so a balanced update is intended for 11.17 patch.
Other champions buffed and nerfed in LoL 11.17 patch
- Q base damage decreased late. E's empowered basic attack bonus damage decreased.
- Q - Shred
- BASE DAMAGE 60/105/150/195/240 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
- E - Trash
- EMPOWERED BASIC ATTACK 1-18. 35-290 bonus magic damage at levels ⇒ 1-18. 20-275 Bonus Magic Damage at levels
- Q cost decreased. E cooldown decreased.
- Q - Winding Shot
- COST 50/55/60/65/70 Mana ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50 Mana
- E - Nervous breakdown
- COOLDOWN 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
- R cooldown decreased late.
- R - Magic Crystal Arrow
- COOLDOWN 100/90/80 seconds ⇒ 100/80/60 seconds
- E cooldown decreased. R max knockup duration increased late.
- E - Like a Door
- COOLDOWN 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 16/14/12/10/8 seconds
- R - Freljord Reception
- MAX KNOW DURATION 1/1.25/1.5 seconds ⇒ 1/1.5/2 seconds
- E bonus movement speed decreased late.
- E - Destructive Attack
- BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 25-75% based on active time ⇒ 25-65% based on active time
- E base damage decreased late.
- E - Popcorn
- BASE DAMAGE 70/95/120/145/170 ⇒ 70/90/110/130/150
- R cooldown increased early.
- R - Deadly Impulse
- COOLDOWN 110/90/70 seconds ⇒ 130/100/70 seconds
- Q bonus damage ratio increased. E cooldown decreased.
- Q - Dance of the Arrows
- E - Nightmare
- COOLDOWN 16/15/14/13/12 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
- Q base damage increased.
- Q - Sharp Ice
- BASE DAMAGE 70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
- Q damage to separated enemies increased.
- Q - Devastation
- DAMAGE INCREASE TO SEPARATE ENEMIES 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60%
- E stun duration decreased.
- E - Traction and Thrust
- STUN DURATION 0.75 seconds ⇒ 0.5 seconds
- Passive's bonus attack speed duration increased. E base damage on hit increased.
- Passive - Runaway Fight
- STUP BONUS DURATION bonus attack speed for 3 seconds ⇒ bonus attack speed for 5 seconds
- E - Toxic Shot
- BASE DAMAGE ON HIT 10/20/30/40/50 ⇒ 11/22/33/44/55
- W base shield decreased late.
- W - Dark Pass
- BASE SHIELD 60/100/140/180/220 ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180
- Base attack damage decreased.
- Base attributes
- Base attack damage decreased.
- Base attributes
- Base attack damage growth increased.
- Base attributes
- AD GROWTH 3 ⇒ 3.4
- Base attack damage growth increased.
- Base attributes
- AD GROWTH 2.2 ⇒ 3
Yorick: Marked enemy champions and large monsters now awaken Mist Walkers from nearby tombs. Mist Walkers now damage enemies when they leap on them. Updated the usage of E.
E - Lament of the Mist
- ALARM TIME Marked champions and large monsters now constantly awaken Mist Walkers from nearby tombs (up to 4).
- ASSISTANTS OF THE FOG Mist Walkers now deal 200% Damage when leaping on marked enemy champions and large monsters.
- CASTING Walks into target range to cast ⇒ Instantly casts E at max range if aiming outside of range.
► LoL Worlds 2021: Start Date, Participating Teams
In-Game Shop Updates
- You can now buy items from the search results.
- Fixed an issue where Kalista's Black Spear was destroying her recommended items.
- Items in the shop have learned to count and now display the correct amounts.
- Made texture improvements in ARAM.
- Suggested items no longer suggest a jungler item after Smiling has been upgraded.
- Fixed an issue where players could not revert to default settings from the settings menu after changing the size of the item shop.
Summoner's Rift Ranked Progression
We've made some updates to the LP formulas for ranked games in Summoner's Rift, and the overall skill detection system will now ensure more consistent LP gains and losses. These changes will make players' LP gains more predictable and reduce the frequency of extraordinary LP gains and losses.
Fixed Bugs/Quality of Life Changes
- Seraphine can no longer trigger Revitalizing Moonstone's Starlight healing when her Passive - Stage Powder grants notes to nearby allies. He should now be able to trigger the Revitalizing Moonstone's Starlight effect only when he deals direct damage to enemies or casts abilities on allies.
- Fixed a bug where AoE shielding abilities such as Karma's E - Resist ability or Seraphine's W - Enveloping Sound were not able to trigger the Revitalizing Moonstone's Starlight effect.
- Fixed a bug where Lux's E - Burst of Lights was able to trigger Revive Moonstone's healing even if it didn't hit an enemy.
- Xin Zhao can no longer cast E - Hearted Charge when stuck on the ground.
- Fixed a bug where Gangplank's UI was displaying square icons instead of round icons.
- Fixed a bug where time-damaging abilities such as Brand's Passive - Flame ability were not triggering Spellsteal's Trick effect.
- Fixed the cost of Kaniçen and Speedblade (3300 Gold, not 3200 Gold).
- Fixed a bug where the damage amount in Akali's E - Agile Weapon tooltip was not updated when items were traded.
- Fixed a bug where Banshee's Veil's shield was not affected by item speed. In the past, only the icon was updated.
- The item description of the Blood Protection that Ornn developed from Immortal Shieldbowl now correctly displays the attack power provided by the item.
- Blade of the Ruined King's Exploit effect in-game damage is now consistent with values in the item tooltip in the client.
- Removed Immortal Shieldbow's attack speed from the tooltip in the Collection tab.
- Neeko's W - Deceiver no longer triggers the Mana Charge effect of Tear of the Goddess and other items in this series.
- If there is an item whose active passive is on cooldown and the player moves the Emperor's Edict to that item's slot, the remaining cooldown of the old item is no longer duplicated.
- Fixed a bug where Adventurer's Handle was affecting Kai'Sa's W - Void Cannon AP.
- Morgana's Passive - Soul Drain now takes advantage of small and medium monsters as the tooltip says.
- Sylas no longer gains stacks when he hits an enemy champion with the Frost Ice passive or Wind Fury's Cloud Burst passive with his Passive - Petricide Blast.
Patch 11.17: Nightmare of the Crime City and Phoenix Costumes
Riot Games plans to introduce five Crime City Nightmare and three Phoenix skins to players in the upcoming updates. The Crime City skins will appear in the in-game Mafia-themed cosmetics, while the Phoenix design is new. We think that the Phoenix skins, whose names are Divine, Graceful, and Brave, will be released in accordance with the Runeterra universe. The costumes that will appear in the new patch are as follows:
♦ Crime City Nightmare
Akali — 1350 RP

Darius — 1350 RP

Shaco — 1350 RP

Twisted Fate — 1350 RP

Zyra — 1350 RP

♦ Phoenix
Divine Phoenix Anivia — 1350 RP

Elegant Phoenix Seraphine — 1350 RP

Brave Phoenix Xayah — 1350 RP

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