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Darius and Dragon Slaughter at Level 1

Darius and Dragon Slaughter at Level 1
On LoL PBE servers, players have discovered that with new updates, Darius is still able to slay dragons at level 1. It is not yet known whether this is an error or not. Details are in the article.
As you know, League of Legends is being tested on PBE servers before a new patch is introduced to the game. These pre-patch changes brought to PBE servers are included in the main server after testing. In this way, the game's main server is tested without bringing these changes and the possibility of an error is eliminated. Immediately after the LoL 11.7 patch was brought to the main server , work began on the 11.8 patch on the PBE server. Curious players always want to detect and experience these changes on PBE servers beforehand. We can say that some players, oddly enough, enjoy discovering these changes for themselves without looking anywhere.

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LoL PBE Server Darius and Dragon Discovery

Updates made by the developers on the PBE server can cause some side effects to the game. One of these side effects was discovered by a player playing on the PBE server. This discovered bug involves dealing more than necessary damage to creatures on the valley. This bug affected Darius and increased damage to Darius and creatures in the forest area in the valley. You can watch the footage of this subject below;

As you can see from the shared image, even though Darius 's level is still at 1, he can kill the dragon alone. You can also see Darius slaying the Dragon alone, without any help, without using the summoner spell smash. This kind of dragon slaying potential is hard to achieve even when other champions reach a certain level, while Darius 's ability to have this ability is thought-provoking. DariusAll he has to do is use his Q's health regen by accumulating the stacks of his passive ability on the dragon. It is not yet known whether this update is a bug or not. It may or may not be an update that is still in testing. The only way to find out is to wait for the new 11.8 patch, which will be released on April 14 . Of course, if this is a problem, we should not forget that it will be noticed and regulated by then.

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