The League of Legends Exclusive Store is a limited-time sale event that offers players personalized discounts for six different character skins. Costume discounts range from 20% to 70% from skin to skin. Most of the time you will only be shown skins for champions you actually own, but there are cases where this is not the case.
During the LoL 2023 Season, the Special Store for You will come to the valley many times. Get the most beautiful costume skins of your favorite characters with discounted RP .
► The Best LoL Costumes You Can Buy
The Private Store returned to League of Legends on Thursday, February 16, 2023, with patch 13.4 . It will stay in the Store to offer various discounts for a full month; It is scheduled to expire on March 16, 2023.
Past LoL exclusive store dates :
Riot Games checks players' match history for the last 6 months and prioritizes the most played champions to determine their Personal Store champions and skins. However, discounts don't have to be limited to these champions. And if a player has not played in the last 6 months, the selection will be much more random than someone who has played more recently.
Generally, players get six bids for six different champions, but if someone has a lot of skins, they may see fewer than six bids.
Costumes that will not be included in the store :
► In addition to LoL Special Store discounts, Riot Points at Foxngame. Click to buy RP with live support service .