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Doom Eternal Changes Difficulty Levels

Doom Eternal Changes Difficulty Levels
The game will become more realistic with the levels that will change, the details are in the article.
Doom Eternal includes an impressive number of new mechanics and ways to smash demons to pieces. It offers an in-depth look at all this with the first three hours of hands-on impressions of Doom Eternal. Another aspect of the software that has changed is its approach to how it handles the challenge for Doom Eternal . While talking to creative director Hugo Martin, he explained that it's a matter of scaling certain elements so regardless of the difficulty, players have to deal with all the necessary systems and mechanics to survive. Regarding how the Doom 2016 difficulty settings work, Martin said, "The way the enemies behave will vary greatly from difficulty to difficulty. They will actually be more realistic and live the game." said.

Basically, the harder the difficulty, the more often the demons will come to you with their heavier attacks and do more damage to you. Doom Eternal adjusts its variables (ammo, weapon damage, number of enemies, etc.) so you're pushed into the flow of judging and managing your resources well. For more information about Doom Eternal, you can check out our other articles. We'll let you know if we get more information about Doom Eternal before it launches on March 20 for Xbox One , PS4 , and PC . Buy Doom Eternal at a discount now!


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