Doom Eternal Story Trailer Released

Doom Eternal Story Trailer Released
You can have clear information about the game in the trailer, the details are in the article.
Doom Eternal is approaching, and a new trailer from Id Software gives us another perspective on the hellish carnage. It comes across as a story trailer, but this is Doom, most of the story revolves around the inhabitants of hell as Samuel Hayden and the Doom Slayer talk. This looks like an error.

Of course, the vast majority of the trailer shows Slayer going through hell, sometimes literally. In the process, he encounters a demon who calls him a usurper, armed with a glowing sword, and realizing he's going to have a terrible day, he leaps around and ravages nightmare monsters.

Doom Eternal was delayed to March 20, 2020, last year for the development team to improve and make the game better. The Invasion multiplayer mode is scheduled to be added sometime after launch, with the Nintendo Switch version of Doom Eternal coming after PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A Google Stadia release is also planned. It will also be available on March 20, the game's postponed date.

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