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Earn More Pentakills with These Five LoL Champions

Earn More Pentakills with These Five LoL Champions
You can get Pentakill in League of Legends by hitting the last hit on all five enemy champions.

In League of Legends , a killstreak occurs when you kill enemy champions within 10 consecutive seconds. After getting a Quadra kill , you have a chance to earn yourself a Pentakill by killing the last remaining enemy champion . It's exciting to watch this event, and even more exciting to experience it yourself.

Every champion in the game can get a Pentakill by finishing off all five enemy champions. There are videos of her Pentakilling even the most notorious champions to kill, like Soraka or even Yuumi.

However, getting a Pentakill on these champions is extremely difficult and often requires coordination with teammates as well as luck. However, there are some champions in the game that require much less effort to get a Pentakill. These champions have some sort of reset ability that helps them get more kills and even Pentakills.


►  7 LoL Champions Who Deserve Their Own Game


Top Five Champions to Get Pentakill

Here is a list of five champions that I believe you can easily get Pentakills for:

5. Darius


We start our list with Darius, Hand of Noxus. This Top Lane juggernaut has one of the best early games in the valley. With his Passive/Bleed ability, he can slowly weaken and kill enemies in the lane. He can then use his early game advantage to wreak havoc in teamfights.

During team fights, Darius can use R/Noxian Guillotine, an executioner, to execute enemies for good measure. Since it resets after each kill, he can easily score multiple kills and even guarantee himself a Pentakill.

4. Samira


Samira is a pain in the ass in team fights. In the right hands, the champion can single-handedly wipe enemies off the map with his abilities. With his Passive/Blissmoke, he can dash towards immobile enemies and then wreak havoc with his R/Inferno Trigger. His ultimate is an AoE ability that deals a lot of damage.



Vayne is one of the most difficult LoL champions to manipulate. It is an extremely short-range marksman and its defensive stats are even less so. What it lacks in range it makes up for with a massive amount of damage.

It is one of the rare champions in the game that can inflict True Damage and Max Health True Damage. He can also reposition himself with his Q-Tumble ability or turn invisible with his ultimate Prep. With perfect positioning, he can easily eliminate multiple enemies and even perform a Pentakill.

So now it's time to take out the Silver Arrows and start hunting.

2. Katarina


Katarina, the famous "hit your head on the keyboard and get a Pentakill champion."

All kidding aside, Katarina is surprisingly tough. You need to get an idea of ​​damage numbers, learn positioning, etc. must. But once you really learn her, she becomes one of the best champions to use Pentakills on.

All his damage is AoE and his abilities are reset when killed. In a team fight this could be ridiculous. So, if you kill one, you can instantly jump to another target and do this a few more times and you'll get an easy Penta.

1. Master Yi


Master Yi is the badass of low elo, a champion that almost everyone buys Pentakill for. Research shows that there is a 99% chance that a nourished Master Yi will receive Pentakill.

Jokes aside, it is extremely easy to get Pentakill with Master Yi, especially in low elos. If he gets a few kills, he can hunt down enemies with ease. Not only that, but his Q/Alpha Strike and R/Intrepid abilities reset when a kill occurs, allowing him to easily switch to another target. Like most of the champions on this list, he is a very good team fighter.

So, if you're looking to get yourself a Pentakill, consider trying the Master Yi.

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