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Escape From Tarkov Player's Guide - Series 1

Escape From Tarkov Player's Guide - Series 1
There are certain tactics for Escape from Tarkov, which is published and developed by Battlestate Games. You can learn these tactics in our series of player guides that we present to you. Details are in the article.
Escape from Tarkov is a game in development from the first day you debuted. Updates and patches are included in the game at regular intervals, minor bugs are fixed and innovations are provided. Escape from Tarkov, developed and published  by Battlestate Games , had recently organized an online event via Twitch Rivals and distributed large cash prizes. In this process, if you haven't had the opportunity to watch Escape from Tarkov from experienced hands, you missed some important tactics and details. If Escape from TarkovIf you want to play and do not have any experience in the game yet, this article is for you. In our article, we will share some small details with you and tell you how you can improve yourself in the game. You can read the details below.


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Escape from Tarkov Login Guide #1

If you don't have experience with Escape from Tarkov yet and are looking for the information you need to play the game, you've come to the right place. There are some important details in the game that you need to know, and in order to learn these details, you should watch the games of experienced players. Before you get to this point, of course, there are certain little details you can learn. One of these details is that privacy and silence are very important in the first game. Although you will enter into a gunfight, vocally moving on the map will allow you to be detected by your enemies and cause your death.

escape from tarkov player guide

What you can do at this point is to protect your privacy and silence when you reach a certain power in the game. You should be very careful when entering buildings and rooms inside the building. If there is someone who came to the building before you and hid, they can kill you if you are not careful. At this point, silence is very important, and the surprise factor is equally important. There are some important information that you should pay attention to when entering such rooms. If the doors of the rooms are closed, some options appear when you approach the door and try to open it. With these options, you can choose how to open the door. As you can open it normally, you can choose to open the door by kicking if you anticipate an enemy inside. In this way, your enemies can be surprised and you can take them by surprise.

There are some tricks you need to pay attention to when you try to kick the door open. You can't open every door by kicking, and the point you need to pay attention to while doing this is the opening direction of the door. In order for you to kick open the doors, the door must open in the direction of your gaze. If a door opens in the opposite direction of your gaze, you cannot kick it open. For this reason, when you want to kick open the doors, you should also pay attention to the opening direction of the doors, otherwise instead of surprising your enemy, you can make your voice heard and die as a result.

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