Escape from Tarkov Player's Guide – Series 3

Escape from Tarkov Player's Guide – Series 3
If you're new to Escape from Tarkov, a challenging first-person shooter, should you choose SVAC or PMC? Let's examine all the details together.

Welcome to the Escape from Tarkov player guide ! Escape from Tarkov is a challenging first-person shooter full of complex concepts and punishing mechanics. If you are new to the game, we have prepared a great guide for you. From various mechanics to character selection, from upgrading your hideout to looting, useful tips when going on raids, this guide has everything you need. Before we get started, we've shared some basic terms specific to Escape from Tarkov . Learning them thoroughly will make it easier for you to progress in the game. Happy reading.


Escape from Tarkov | Key Terms

  • Stash : Your permanent inventory of all the loot you got and escaped during raids
  • PMC : Special Military Contractor, your permanent main character who must be equipped with items in your stash before raiding
  • Scav : A playable or non-playable character that spawns with pre-set gear
  • Raids : A match or round in Escape from Tarkov
  • Extraction : Designated spots around each map where your character can stop raiding and escape with your loot
  • Hideout : An upgradeable base that can provide lots of in-game advantages
  • Flea Market : A market where players can trade or sell items to other players

Escape from Tarkov | Keyboard Control Keys

  • W,A,S,D – Arrow Keys
  • Mouse Middle Wheel – Change movement speed
  • Caps Lock – Walk
  • Shift – Running
  • Space – Jump
  • X – Creep
  • C - Squat
  • Q - Left bank
  • E - Right bank
  • Alt + Q – Side move left
  • Alt + E – Side move right
  • Alt + A – Lean slightly to the left
  • Alt + D – Tilt right


►  Escape From Tarkov Player's Guide - Series 2


Control keys for weapons;

  • Left click – Fire key
  • Right click – targeting
  • R - Reload
  • Mouse middle wheel + R – Switch to other magazine
  • Alt + T - Remaining bullet control
  • G - Throwing Grenades
  • V – Melee weapon
  • B- Changing shooting mode
  • Alt – Breath hold (helps with aim)
  • T – Tactical equipment (flashlight, etc.)

Escape from Tarkov | Character Selection

First, let's differentiate between PMCs (Special Military Contractor) and Scavs , which are the two character options you'll get before joining a raid (or map) .

Scavengers or Scavs come in two different variants: playable or non-playable characters. Unplayable Scavs ; are characters that spawn on maps, hostile to PMCs, and friendly to player-controlled Scavs until you kill them. Player controlled Scavs ; He is the ultimate low-risk, high-reward character and will play an important role in acquiring weapons and gear for your PMC character. After playing as Scav, they go into a temporary cooldown before becoming available again. Before selecting your Scavs, you can get a general idea of ​​the equipment of your Scavs by looking at the character models. The equipment of your Scavs is random, so it can be beneficial for you to choose a suitable map based on the equipment your Scav has.


As a new player it's a good idea to use your Scav often. Any gear lost with your Scav is unfortunate, but unlike your permanent character, this loot does not disappear from your stash; on the contrary, anything you raid in your Scav can be transferred to your stash. At the end of the raid, any loot that you do not transfer to your stash will be permanently lost. If you have the space, try transferring all the gear and items in your Scav and put them in your stash. Anything that takes up a lot of space can then be easily sold to merchants for money. It's worth noting that each merchant will only buy certain types of loot and offer different prices for each item.

The downside to playing as the Scav is that it doesn't gain experience for your PMC character. Additionally, Scavs lack the ability to complete many tasks assigned to them by traders. However, getting weapons and gear should be your priority in the game. Sometimes they can appear with rare loot such as key cards or other valuables. Use your Scav frequently in raids! Once you start stocking up on weapons and loot, start switching to your PMC character.


Now let's take a look at PMC . At the beginning of the game, you will have the opportunity to choose which group your Special Military Contractor character belongs to. Currently, there is no big difference between the two groups you can choose from (USEC or BEAR). This choice becomes more important as you progress in the game. Special Military Contractors act as your main character in-game. The skills you gain during a raid are permanent and are permanent upgrades to improve your character's overall abilities. Skills can be acquired actively or passively depending on the actions you take throughout the game. Leveling up your PMC can take time, but is necessary to gain access to higher-level gear and new quests from merchants.

As a PMC, everything will be hostile towards you during a raid. NPC Scavs populating the map will not hesitate to shoot you where they see you. Additionally, any damage or illness you suffer during one raid can carry over to the next raid. You can either allow these wounds to heal over time (which can be accelerated with hideout upgrades) or spend your meds for instant healing.


Balance is the name of the game when choosing your character. As a PMC you want to level up and improve your skills, but it's costly to equip them with new gear every time you die. Scav is a low-risk, high-reward character that won't contribute much to character progression in Escape from Tarkov. As a new player, use Scav to start cooldowns and get easy loot. For the next raid, take out your PMC to try to level up by looting and killing enemies.

♦ Escape from Tarkov | Scav Distribution

  • Limited risk ( + ) as Scavs do not use equipment from your inventory
  • Not required to heal, feed or recover your Scav ( + )
  • NPC Scavs will not attack you unless you shoot them first ( + )
  • Only available after a long cooldown after each raid ( - )
  • Do not transfer skills and experience to your PMC ( - )
  • Spawns with random gear that cannot be changed before joining a raid ( - )

♦ Escape from Tarkov | PMC Distribution

  • PMCs can develop skills that benefit the character in-game ( + )
  • Can level up and complete quests that allow better deals, rewards, and gear purchasable from merchants ( + )
  • Can be equipped with the highest level loot and customize their gear before the match ( + )
  • Further upgrades for the Sanctuary affect PMC characters ( + )
  • Injuries persist after raids and must be healed with items otherwise they will heal over time ( - )
  • Higher risk ( - ) as any gear needs to be equipped from the stash and can be lost
  • NPC Scavs will attack when they see you ( - )

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